I live on a fairly busy street, and there is an elementary school down the street. The crummy thing about living on a fairly busy street is that you almost can't get out of your driveway in the mornings. There is a stop sign near my house, and there is normally a long line of cars waiting to get through it. So I have to just stick my car out there in order for people to stop and let me through. I hate that I might be ticking people off by cutting in front of them, but oh well. What am I to do? Every once in awhile there will be a nice car that will stop after going through the stop sign so that I can back out. I love those cars!
So, if you drive through my neighborhood and an SUV cuts you off while they are trying to back out of their driveway, that just might be me!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dinner With Family
Caleb's school had a fund raiser last night at Chick-fil-a, so we went to help support the school. The whole church was invited since the school is a ministry of the church. So, it was nice eating dinner with our church family last night. I've been thinking a lot lately about how our church has become our extended family.
I grew up in a church in my home town, but it just never seemed like family. I didn't have many friends since I went to school on the other side of the town from the other kids, and I didn't really ever enjoy going.
But now, I look forward to going to church. For the first couple of years that we were at RE, Chris and I didn't do much. We just went to class and worship and then went home. But then we got involved in a LIFE Group...and everything changed. Our LIFE Group gave us a place to belong. We instantly had friends and finally felt like we fit in. It's amazing how you can make a few friends, and then it spreads into knowing so many other people.
I now work for the church which is the best job in the world for me. Chris and I love our church! Everyone really is like family to us. I went to a church party the other day, and I thought about how I used to would have felt uncomfortable in a situation like that. I wouldn't have known who to talk to or what to talk about. I would have been nervous the whole time. But now that I have this special family, I don't feel that way anymore. It doesn't matter who shows up. It doesn't matter where we are. I don't feel like I have to know what to say. I can just be quiet if I want to. It really does feel like a family.
I grew up in a church in my home town, but it just never seemed like family. I didn't have many friends since I went to school on the other side of the town from the other kids, and I didn't really ever enjoy going.
But now, I look forward to going to church. For the first couple of years that we were at RE, Chris and I didn't do much. We just went to class and worship and then went home. But then we got involved in a LIFE Group...and everything changed. Our LIFE Group gave us a place to belong. We instantly had friends and finally felt like we fit in. It's amazing how you can make a few friends, and then it spreads into knowing so many other people.
I now work for the church which is the best job in the world for me. Chris and I love our church! Everyone really is like family to us. I went to a church party the other day, and I thought about how I used to would have felt uncomfortable in a situation like that. I wouldn't have known who to talk to or what to talk about. I would have been nervous the whole time. But now that I have this special family, I don't feel that way anymore. It doesn't matter who shows up. It doesn't matter where we are. I don't feel like I have to know what to say. I can just be quiet if I want to. It really does feel like a family.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I Dislike Sign Trucks.
You know the ones. It's a truck with a trailer that stops down traffic in order to switch the home builders' signs around. We normally run into the same truck each Sunday on the way home from LIFE Group, and we ran into one on the way home last night too. And I really do not like them.
Why do I not like them? Well, they stop in the middle of the road, slow down traffic and do not seem safe at all. They used to not have any lights warning people about the fact that they were stopped in the middle of the road. So you would just drive right up on them and have to notice that they were stopped so that you didn't slam into them. Then traffic all around you is screwed up. Now they seem to have yellow flashing lights that at least warn people that they are there.
Chris and I wonder how it is legal for them to just stop in the middle of the road (highway) like this and cause havoc. Surely anyone else would get in trouble for just randomly stopping in the road. Why can't they just pull into a parking lot and walk over to the signs?
As you can see this really drives me nuts. I thought you would want to hear about it!
Why do I not like them? Well, they stop in the middle of the road, slow down traffic and do not seem safe at all. They used to not have any lights warning people about the fact that they were stopped in the middle of the road. So you would just drive right up on them and have to notice that they were stopped so that you didn't slam into them. Then traffic all around you is screwed up. Now they seem to have yellow flashing lights that at least warn people that they are there.
Chris and I wonder how it is legal for them to just stop in the middle of the road (highway) like this and cause havoc. Surely anyone else would get in trouble for just randomly stopping in the road. Why can't they just pull into a parking lot and walk over to the signs?
As you can see this really drives me nuts. I thought you would want to hear about it!
Friday, February 22, 2008
I Did It!
When I get gas lately, I tend to drive off without putting the cap back on my gas tank. How stupid is that! I have had a really bad habit of doing this ALL of the time lately! I guess I just have too many other things on my mind and think I'm done and can drive off. But today I made a point to remember to put the gas cap back on, and I actually did it! I'm proud of myself. Just one small victory in my day! :)
Do you like chili?

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Just Had to Take a Picture!
There's nothing much more cute than little boys doing things with their daddy's. It just so darn precious. After I finished getting ready for work yesterday morning, I came out of my bathroom to find this...
And I just HAD to take a picture. It's so cute and so great watching Chris and Caleb interact with each other. It's it is so sweet! So, I couldn't resist running downstairs to grab my camera to take this sweet picture!
This must be "cute day" because this is the second post of the day about something that is cute. Odd.

This must be "cute day" because this is the second post of the day about something that is cute. Odd.
The Cutest Thing Ever!
I just saw Caleb's class walking by the office. They normally ride in the buggy, but they are starting to walk down the hall now. The all strolled by at varying speeds. Then one of their teachers told them to sit down when they had reached a certain spot. And they all did it! One by one! It is so amazing to see these kids that have been together since they were babies now walking through the hall and following directions! So cute!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Movie Reviews
It's time for another installment of Stephanie's movie reviews!
Fool's Gold: I thought it was a cute movie. Kind of predictable, but it was a feel good movie.
August Rush: Fairly good movie. Sad most of the movie. Also predictable, but was happy at the end.
Fool's Gold: I thought it was a cute movie. Kind of predictable, but it was a feel good movie.
August Rush: Fairly good movie. Sad most of the movie. Also predictable, but was happy at the end.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Love When That Happens!
Last night on the way to church, the radio announced the next song that was about to play. I immediately sang the first line to the song. In the next second, the song started playing and I realized that I had sung it on the correct pitches/key. I love it when I do that! It's amazing that your mind can remember the key that a song is in without you really thinking about it at all. Chris and I talked about when we would be in marching band or concert season and we would play music so much that you would be able to sing it in the correct key at any time. I remember going to my piano in high school to see if I really was singing the right notes, and I was every time! The mind is amazing!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Odds and Ends
It was so strange. As soon as I posted this morning, I went to look at my site meter. Within a few minutes I had 25 visitors to the site. I thought there must be a glitch or something and that it would work itself out. I got to looking though, and sure enough! There had been 25 visitors all of a sudden from all over the world. The only thing I can think of is that Blogger must have listed my blog in the list of blogs that had just updated within the last minute that scrolls on the blogger home page, and 25 people from all over the world clicked it. It was so strange, but it was interesting to see where people were that were looking at my site.
I made this great Wild Rice & Chicken Salad recipe last night. It's Dara's recipe, and it is wonderful! If you haven't ever made it, you need to go make it right now!
I made this great Wild Rice & Chicken Salad recipe last night. It's Dara's recipe, and it is wonderful! If you haven't ever made it, you need to go make it right now!
Valentine's Fun
Caleb and I had a great Valentine's night together! He was being so silly, so I had to take some pictures!
This one cracks me up! He always has to come at me when I'm taking pictures. He thinks it is so funny to have close-up shots. He likes to look at them after we take them and laugh. Silly kid!

I took this one this morning before we left for school. He was having fun coming up to me, looking up and smiling.
I took this one in the car this morning. He has to have his fire chief hat in the car all the time lately so that he can wear it. He doesn't have his sunglasses on in this picture because they wouldn't go on easily with his hat. He handed them to mom, and when we got to a stop light, I helped him put them back on. Fun times!

Notice the upside down sunglasses! This is the only right way to wear them according to Caleb. And he has a plastic hotdog in his mouth. Looks kind of like a cigar. I did not give my baby a cigar for V-Day.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
My Sweet Valentine
My sweet valentine is not going to be home for Valentine's Day, but when Caleb and I got home yesterday, we had presents scattered around the house! What were these presents? My valentine had left me small cans of Dr. Pepper and had left Caleb small boxes of strawberry milk. When I walked in the back door, I saw one can of Dr. Pepper and one milk box on the island. I opened the frig to get Caleb juice, and there were another set. I then realized that he had probably left them in other places around the house. So I immediately darted around the house to see where they might be. They were on Caleb's changing table, in Caleb's bathtub, in my bathroom and on some of Caleb's toys in the living room. It was so fun running around to find them all! I love my sweet Valentine!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Yay! I got to put pictures on here!
For all of you wanting to see the pictures of Chris and me at the water gardens in Fort Worth a few weekends ago, you can now scroll down the page and see them. Today is the first day all has seemed right when I log into Blogger. So, yay! Go check out the pictures!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Stormy Night
Wow! We haven't had thunderstorms like we had last night in a LONG time! I remember when I was a kid, it seemed like we had thunderstorms all of the time. Maybe that was because I was deathly afraid of lightning and the loud thunder, but it really seems like we used to have them more often.
Part of me was ticked because it was keeping me awake, and the other part of me thought it was really neat! Except for the part when it was hailing and the part where Chris' car alarm went off...those weren't so cool. But it was nice to have a good rain, and now that I'm older and much wiser, I love thunderstorms. They are so cool! It's fun to relish in the power of them.
When I first heard the storm, I immediately started praying "Don't let Caleb wake up. Don't let Caleb wake up." It wasn't a few minutes later though when you know who woke up. He was pretty scared with all of the loud booms and rain hitting his window, so he wound up coming to bed with us (I know, I know, I should never let him come to bed with us. Bad me!)
So, though I didn't get great sleep last night (and you all know how much I adore sleep!), I am glad we got a good rain and I enjoyed the display of light and sound.
Part of me was ticked because it was keeping me awake, and the other part of me thought it was really neat! Except for the part when it was hailing and the part where Chris' car alarm went off...those weren't so cool. But it was nice to have a good rain, and now that I'm older and much wiser, I love thunderstorms. They are so cool! It's fun to relish in the power of them.
When I first heard the storm, I immediately started praying "Don't let Caleb wake up. Don't let Caleb wake up." It wasn't a few minutes later though when you know who woke up. He was pretty scared with all of the loud booms and rain hitting his window, so he wound up coming to bed with us (I know, I know, I should never let him come to bed with us. Bad me!)
So, though I didn't get great sleep last night (and you all know how much I adore sleep!), I am glad we got a good rain and I enjoyed the display of light and sound.
Monday, February 11, 2008
A Sight to Behold
Last Friday, I went to lunch at Freebirds near the church. There was a guy working there that had stretched his ear lobes out to where they are huge. Huge! The whole time I was in line, I was staring at this guy. I didn't want to stare at him. I just couldn't take my eyes from him. I told my coworker in line next to me that I really hoped I didn't get this guy making my burrito because there would be no way I could concentrate on the burrito at hand. Luckily, the guy helped someone out two people ahead of me. I eventually got to where I didn't have to stare at him, but I sure didn't like the feeling of not being able to keep my eyes away from his ears. It was so strange.
I don't get why people feel the need to do things like this to themselves. Attention? Do they really think it looks good? I just kept thinking "We are not in Africa! We don't have to do this to ourselves in America!" It was a very strange lunch experience.
I don't get why people feel the need to do things like this to themselves. Attention? Do they really think it looks good? I just kept thinking "We are not in Africa! We don't have to do this to ourselves in America!" It was a very strange lunch experience.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
A Great Night!

Chris and I had a great time at the Casting Crowns concert on Saturday night! It was at the Fort Worth Convention Center which is next door to the water gardens. So, before the concert we walked through the gardens which were lovely. These pictures are from the gardens (Well, the pictures will be on here once blogger starts acting right). Actually, only one in particular.
Anyone else having problems with Blogger today? None of the buttons for bold, italics, add a picture, etc. are showing up. Any ideas? Just wait for it to act right? I hate waiting!
Anyone else having problems with Blogger today? None of the buttons for bold, italics, add a picture, etc. are showing up. Any ideas? Just wait for it to act right? I hate waiting!
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