Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Beautiful Day
It would be a great day for a picnic...if it wasn't so darn windy outside! Bring on the warmer weather without all the wind!
Need a Good Recipe?
This recipe site has lots of great recipes that have been tried, tested and have come out tasting delicious! I just put two more recipes up from last night's dinner, so make them and enjoy!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pictures from Saturday
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sick Baby = Cuddle Time
Caleb stayed home from school sick yesterday. He was running a fever when he woke up, so Chris stayed with him. When I got home yesterday, all he wanted to do was lay on me. Though I hate it when he is sick, it is nice to get some good cuddle time in. He normally doesn't sit still enough of cuddle much, so I like to hold him as much as I can at times like these.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Caleb and Mommy's Date Night
Daddy had a meeting last night and was going to eat there, so Caleb and I went out on a date to Italian Villa in Wylie and then to take pictures in the blue bonnets. We had a fun time talking and "dipping it" (Caleb LOVES to dip his food in cheese, marinara, salsa, ranch dressing, really anything!) while eating dinner. There was a guy there with his son, and the whole time they were there the guy was on his cell phone. I thought what a shame it was that the man was passing that precious time with his son by talking on the phone. I love my special time/dinners when it is just me and Caleb, and I will always treasure those times.
The following are pictures from our blue bonnet quest. Caleb loved running around in the field, and there were times that he just wanted to keep running away and Mommy had to tell him to come back.
If any of you are good at Photoshop, is there a way to get rid of the glares on the pictures from the sun? I would also like to darken the sky a little if it is possible. I would appreciate any help!
Enjoy the pictures!

The following are pictures from our blue bonnet quest. Caleb loved running around in the field, and there were times that he just wanted to keep running away and Mommy had to tell him to come back.
If any of you are good at Photoshop, is there a way to get rid of the glares on the pictures from the sun? I would also like to darken the sky a little if it is possible. I would appreciate any help!
Enjoy the pictures!

date night,
Monday, April 21, 2008
Caleb Today

Cross In The Sky

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Cast Day
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Million Dollar Cookies
I just ate cookies from the recipe that won the Pillsbury contest the other day, and I can see how it won! The CDC is having a bake sale here today, and a lady at church made the cookies for the sale. They are wonderful! So, get online, find the recipe and make them today! You won't regret it!
The Stopped-Up Nose
I have a cold. What drives me the most nuts when I have a cold is not the sore throat. Not the runny nose either. No, what drives me nuts is when one side of your nose gets stopped up to where you cannot breathe out of it. Two nights ago, I was up most of the night because I couldn't breathe out the right side of my nose. Talk about annoying! Then last night, I took some generic Nyquil so that hopefully it would clear my nose and make me sleep better. I did sleep better, but my nose was still pretty stopped up. This morning when I woke up, I felt like my thoughts were very slowly swimming through my head. Like they were paddling through a fast current that made the thoughts slow to come out. On the way to work this morning, I read the medicine package, and it said you could take it up to once every four hours. That might be fine for most people, but medicine works extremely well for me, and if I took it that often I probably would have died. Glad I didn't follow those instructions!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mommy's Little Helper
Caleb is becoming a big help to times. :) The other day, I needed something but was unable to go get it right then. I told Caleb what I needed, and he went and got it. Now, it took two trips of him going to find it, and the first time he brought something else to me, but on the second try he got it right! It is so nice that he is now at the stage where I can tell him something, he understands, and he helps mommy out! So great!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Poor Caleb
Well, for all of you who haven't heard yet, Caleb broke his arm on Friday afternoon. I'll have a picture up here very soon of his splint, and I'll add more pictures later this week when he gets a cast. He fell on the playground and wound up breaking his arm near his wrist. It's not a real bad break, so I'm hoping it will not take long to heal. He'll be completely spoiled by the time he gets his cast off, I'm sure!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
A Birthday Celebration
We celebrated Auntie Lo's birthday last night at Edohana! We had a great time and the food was delicious!
Here Caleb is saying "Cheese!" for the camera!

Monday, April 07, 2008
Breaking in Shoes
Why is it that every year when I start to wear my sandals again, my feet have to get used to them? It's always the same thing. On my black pair, my pinky toes get blisters on them the first few times I wear them. On one of my brown pairs, it's a different problem. Once I wear them a few times, it always gets better, but it's also always frustrating having to deal with this process every year. Why can't they just work right every year from the beginning?
I also just bought a new pair of shoes that is now rubbing my heels and causing blisters. The first time I wore them, they tore up my feet so bad that I haven't been about to wear them for about 4 weeks. I'm wearing them today, and they immediately started hurting my feet again. I put bandaids over my heels, so it is much better now. I'm really looking forward to when they get stretched out enough that this isn't a problem!
I also just bought a new pair of shoes that is now rubbing my heels and causing blisters. The first time I wore them, they tore up my feet so bad that I haven't been about to wear them for about 4 weeks. I'm wearing them today, and they immediately started hurting my feet again. I put bandaids over my heels, so it is much better now. I'm really looking forward to when they get stretched out enough that this isn't a problem!
Friday, April 04, 2008
We're Home!
What's worse?
- When your kid says "We're home!" when you pull up to church (where he also goes to school)
- Or When he says "We're home!" when you pull up to Taco Bueno?
This really bothered me for a few days, but then I realized he says this when we pull up to most anywhere. When we slowed down to pull into a gas station the other day, he said "We're home!" And we don't get gas all that much.
So now the education begins in teaching him when to say "We're home!" and "We're there!"...or something like that.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I hate my bangs! Yes, hate is a strong word, but I really do hate them! I hate the fact that I feel like I have to have them in order to cover up my huge forehead! But what is a girl to do? I've tried different things with them over the years, but I just can't figure out anything to do with them so that I would feel better and like them better.
I just saw them in a mirror and had to rearrange them for a second which made me think that it would be a good blog topic. Grrr, bangs!
I just saw them in a mirror and had to rearrange them for a second which made me think that it would be a good blog topic. Grrr, bangs!
Thunderstorm Warning

But I now love rain and thunderstorms! It seems like we don't have near as many as when I was a kid. But I might think that because I didn't like them so much and thought they happened way too much. Who knows.
But bring on the rain today! My yard could use a drink anyway.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Another Fear Came True
I have a list of fears that run through my mind occasionally. I don't think much about them except for thinking "Man, I sure hope that doesn't ever happen!" Well, yesterday one of those fears came true.
After work, I handed Caleb my car keys while I was locking up the church with my other set of keys. He kept holding on to the keys while I was putting him in the car. I remember hearing him press a button and the car making a noise, but it didn't really click in my head what had just happened. Then after buckling him in his car seat, I shut the door.
I immediately thought "Oh, no! I just locked him in the car!!!" I was hoping that was not true, but it was. For a second I stood there not knowing what to do. Then I checked my back door/window because a few weeks ago it was not working. It worked yesterday.
I then ran in the building to the daycare office and told the asst. director that I had just locked Caleb in my car. I ran back out to my car while she tried to find our janitor. She couldn't find him, so we wound up having to call 911. The fire men came very quickly with sirens and all and proceeded to get the door open quickly.
I felt like such a dummy. Caleb will never get my keys again!! I am normally so careful about my keys since I have had this fear ever since I had Caleb. I normally do a "key check" before I shut the door. But I didn't do this yesterday. But now that this has happened, I will be WAY more paranoid about locking my keys and Caleb in the car. At least he was happy pretty much the whole time in the car. It wasn't hot. He had juice (his favorite thing ever!!), and he thought we were all playing a game looking at him, smiling and waving at him in the car. He probably thought it was fun. All I can say is I'm glad that is over with and I hope it never happens again!
After work, I handed Caleb my car keys while I was locking up the church with my other set of keys. He kept holding on to the keys while I was putting him in the car. I remember hearing him press a button and the car making a noise, but it didn't really click in my head what had just happened. Then after buckling him in his car seat, I shut the door.
I immediately thought "Oh, no! I just locked him in the car!!!" I was hoping that was not true, but it was. For a second I stood there not knowing what to do. Then I checked my back door/window because a few weeks ago it was not working. It worked yesterday.
I then ran in the building to the daycare office and told the asst. director that I had just locked Caleb in my car. I ran back out to my car while she tried to find our janitor. She couldn't find him, so we wound up having to call 911. The fire men came very quickly with sirens and all and proceeded to get the door open quickly.
I felt like such a dummy. Caleb will never get my keys again!! I am normally so careful about my keys since I have had this fear ever since I had Caleb. I normally do a "key check" before I shut the door. But I didn't do this yesterday. But now that this has happened, I will be WAY more paranoid about locking my keys and Caleb in the car. At least he was happy pretty much the whole time in the car. It wasn't hot. He had juice (his favorite thing ever!!), and he thought we were all playing a game looking at him, smiling and waving at him in the car. He probably thought it was fun. All I can say is I'm glad that is over with and I hope it never happens again!
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