Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Chris Coming Home!
There are only a few times a year that Chris travels. And those are two too many for me! Chris left on Sunday night for a band convention, and I noticed that as soon as he walked out the door I felt like I didn't know what to do with myself. It just feels weird when he's not there. Caleb and I have had fun hanging out together the past few days, but he is really missing his Daddy. We are ready for Daddy to come home!
10 Year Reunion Disappointment
I got a letter in the mail yesterday about my 10 year high school reunion. I wouldn't mind going, but I'm not sure if I will simply because the only activity is at a bar downtown. I really have no desire to go to a bar. None at all. It's kind of disappointing that the bar night is the only option. What about a family picnic like you hear other schools doing? Or a dinner at a hotel? That would be fun! The invitation mentioned "dates" so I kept looking at it for a couple of seconds to find the other dates. There weren't any other dates. Oh well. I guess I'll see if my friends that I still talk to from HS are going and make my decision from there.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You guys are the best! You have jumped in to help me find arm floaties so fast! Friends are so great! If any of you need anything, I will do my best to help you out!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Needing A Little Help
Ok, blog friends! You are all so smart out there, and I am needing your help! I know it is late in the season to be buying swimming stuff, but I am looking for little arm floaties for Caleb. I have been to Target & two Walmarts but cannot find any. Anyone know of a place that carries them even though it is so late in the season.? All of the stores have given up on summer already and have school supplies all over the place. If you can give me some help, I'll be forever grateful! Thank you!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thank the Lord! We're Comprehending!
Caleb from Sunday - Wednesday: "Wanna see Mimi, Poppy!" (in a very annoying whining voice)
Mom after hearing this waaaay too many times: "Today is Wenesday. You will see Mimi & Poppy on Friday. Please do not whine anymore."
Caleb An hour later: "Wanna see Mimi, Poppy!" (in the same whining voice)
Mom: "What did I tell you earlier?"
Caleb: "See Mimi, Poppy on Friday."
Problem solved. He hasn't whined near as much since then. I've heard it maybe a few more times over the last few days. But as soon as he starts whining, I ask the question and he knows what is going to happen.
So, we'll see Mimi & Poppy tonight and then see if the problem starts all over again. Man I hope not! (in a whining voice)
On a side note, I emailed my mom telling her this morning, and she said the funny thing is my dad has been saying "When are we going to see Caleb?" for the past few days and she has responded with the same answer I gave Caleb. Those silly boys!
Mom after hearing this waaaay too many times: "Today is Wenesday. You will see Mimi & Poppy on Friday. Please do not whine anymore."
Caleb An hour later: "Wanna see Mimi, Poppy!" (in the same whining voice)
Mom: "What did I tell you earlier?"
Caleb: "See Mimi, Poppy on Friday."
Problem solved. He hasn't whined near as much since then. I've heard it maybe a few more times over the last few days. But as soon as he starts whining, I ask the question and he knows what is going to happen.
So, we'll see Mimi & Poppy tonight and then see if the problem starts all over again. Man I hope not! (in a whining voice)
On a side note, I emailed my mom telling her this morning, and she said the funny thing is my dad has been saying "When are we going to see Caleb?" for the past few days and she has responded with the same answer I gave Caleb. Those silly boys!
A Sense of Entitlement
The other night at church I went to a class where we talked about our battle within ourselves to not live within our culture. Mainly we talked about materialism and how we should be different from the world as Christians. We also talked about how we, as Americans, feel we are entitled to things. We think we should live in a nice place, drive a nice car, be able to go eat out with friends all the time, have nice things, etc., etc. The list goes on. I have been thinking a lot about this lately.
Where do we get this sense of entitlement? Why do I feel like I "deserve" some things?
It's been on my mind a lot lately...way before this class started this week. Just this Monday, as I was wrapping up work, I thought to myself "I've been working hard today. I deserve a good meal tonight." So, I got home and we went out to eat. Then on the way home I thought to myself that that was so silly of me. Why do I always think those kinds of thoughts?
Anyway, I'm sure this is something I'll be thinking about and dealing with for the rest of my life, but it really drives me nuts that I feel so entitled all the time. Really, I don't deserve anything. I have God in my life, and that's all I need...and shoot, I don't deserve that even.
Where do we get this sense of entitlement? Why do I feel like I "deserve" some things?
It's been on my mind a lot lately...way before this class started this week. Just this Monday, as I was wrapping up work, I thought to myself "I've been working hard today. I deserve a good meal tonight." So, I got home and we went out to eat. Then on the way home I thought to myself that that was so silly of me. Why do I always think those kinds of thoughts?
Anyway, I'm sure this is something I'll be thinking about and dealing with for the rest of my life, but it really drives me nuts that I feel so entitled all the time. Really, I don't deserve anything. I have God in my life, and that's all I need...and shoot, I don't deserve that even.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ok, I am copying Brooke and Becky on this one...
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot-- or just from blogland-- anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot-- or just from blogland-- anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Vacation Days vs. Normal Days
Why does it seem like vacation days go by sooo much faster than normal days? Even weekends. I noticed this last weekend on our cabin trip that they days seemed to fly by. And we weren't even doing much. Just sitting around, reading, taking naps, walking, etc. I always wish that vacation days seemed much longer so that I can relish in them a little bit more.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Kids are Cool!
Over the past few days, I've been surfing the internet looking for cool cabins to stay in. The thing that strikes me is quite a bit of them do not allow kids to stay in them. For some reason that rubs me the wrong way. I don't want to stay in them if I can't bring my kid. I'm sure they have good reasons, but I just keep thinking that there isn't much difference with Caleb around instead of just me and Chris. And he is no hassle at all. Oh well, they just won't get my business.
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Weekend at the Cabin
My parents rented a cabin just outside of Beavers Bend for all of our family for the weekend. We had a wonderful time, and I have a ton of pictures to share with you!
This is the patio on the back of the cabin. It had a swing on it that was wonderful! The weather was pretty cool most of the weekend, so we spent a ton of time out on the patio just hanging out! It was wonderful!
This is the downstairs bedroom where mom and dad stayed.
This is the upstairs, loft bedroom where Casey and Lauren stayed.
And this is the other upstairs, loft bedroom where we stayed.
There were canoes that you could use, so we spent a lot of time riding in them and the guys went canoe fishing quite a bit.
Here is Caleb, Mimi and Auntie Lo at the top of the steps that led down to the river.
We even got Caleb in a canoe! He loved being on the river! Chris even rescued a huge turtle that was stuck in a trap, so that was fun entertainment for awhile. Caleb didn't like it when the turtle got free and started running around the canoe for a few minutes. It kind of freaked mommy out too. :)
Fishing with daddy
Chris and me on the patio
The whole family
On the swing
Caleb "stick fishing" off the patio. It was pretend fishing.
More fishing
Casey and Lauren on their canoe
Poppy in his canoe
Chris resting on the couch
Caleb and Auntie Lo
Casey playing with Caleb
More playing
Caleb playing a water flute on the stairs
Hi Poppy!
Caleb making "the look"
Chris eating (or just after eating) a hotdog
Poppy eating
Lauren and Casey before the couch war
The couch war is on!
Casey decided to take over the couch and won the fight. You see what I dealt with when we were kids! Geez!
Mimi and Caleb relaxing outside
A silly Lauren and Casey picture.
Caleb and Auntie Lo
Poppy and Caleb playing cars
More playing cars
This is the view of the cabin as you drive up. Notice all the tall, pretty trees around it! Ahh, nice!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bueno or Bell?

I ate Taco Bell today for the first time in a looong time. I used to be a huge fan of Taco Bell and would have rathered not ever go to Bueno. Over the last five years or so, my tastes between these two have been changing. Now I would rather Bueno any day...or every day! And I don't think I need to go to Bell again in another looong time!
A Book of Memories
Over the last few days, I have created a photo book of Caleb's first year that I am now waiting on to be delivered. I haven't had that much fun working on a project in a long time! It was great to look back on all of these pictures from Caleb's first year. It's hard to believe he was ever that small. And Chris and I thought he was extremely cute then, but now we think he is even cuter now!
It feels good to have this project done. I no longer feel as crummy as a mom as I did before. Isn't it awful how we compare ourselves to other mothers/friends around us? I look at my friends and others and see everything they are doing and feel so inadequate sometimes. But hey, I now feel really good about myself that I will actually have a photo album of my kid on my book shelf. Yes, it took me two years to do it, but Caleb doesn't have to know that when he's older. :) Now I just need to get started on his second year book!
It feels good to have this project done. I no longer feel as crummy as a mom as I did before. Isn't it awful how we compare ourselves to other mothers/friends around us? I look at my friends and others and see everything they are doing and feel so inadequate sometimes. But hey, I now feel really good about myself that I will actually have a photo album of my kid on my book shelf. Yes, it took me two years to do it, but Caleb doesn't have to know that when he's older. :) Now I just need to get started on his second year book!
Monday, July 14, 2008
HPB & A New Restaurant Review
We had two big crates and one smaller box of books that we went to sell at Half Price Books tonight. Here's my question: Why do the people that are in the book buying section always seem grumpy? Or do you ever get that impression? I used to sell books quite a bit when I was a teenager, and I always got that impression. And tonight was no different. I wonder if it is just not much fun being in that section that always seems kind of junked out...and if people try to haggle with them...and if it's just kind of stressful.
After HPB, we went to the new Two Rows near us for dinner. Chris had been there for lunch and had a good experience, but I had not been there yet. We had the fried pickles for an appetizer, and they were very tasty. Caleb even wolfed down a ton of them. Then since tonight was pizza night, we all had pizza. Both the pepperoni and Hawaiian pizzas that we had were very good. So, overall it was a great trip! I would recommend it to you all...and so I am!
After HPB, we went to the new Two Rows near us for dinner. Chris had been there for lunch and had a good experience, but I had not been there yet. We had the fried pickles for an appetizer, and they were very tasty. Caleb even wolfed down a ton of them. Then since tonight was pizza night, we all had pizza. Both the pepperoni and Hawaiian pizzas that we had were very good. So, overall it was a great trip! I would recommend it to you all...and so I am!
Friday, July 11, 2008
New iphone day in America
This morning on my way to work, I heard that people had been camping out at ATT stores in order to be the first ones to get the new 3G iphone today. As I was driving by an ATT store a few minutes later, there were hundreds of people waiting outside. I was blown away by the sheer numbers of people that were there to get a new phone today.
It struck me just how materialistic we Americans are and how big we are on having the newest and coolest things as status symbols. And the sad thing is...I'm sure there were a number of Christians out there today in the thick of it. Now, I am just as guilty as the next person on being materialistic. My wants are just different.
Over the last year or so, materialism has been on my mind a lot. I've tried to train my mind to not want things as much as I used to. But still, sometimes it's hard. But then there are days like today that make me think about that whole topic again.
It struck me just how materialistic we Americans are and how big we are on having the newest and coolest things as status symbols. And the sad thing is...I'm sure there were a number of Christians out there today in the thick of it. Now, I am just as guilty as the next person on being materialistic. My wants are just different.
Over the last year or so, materialism has been on my mind a lot. I've tried to train my mind to not want things as much as I used to. But still, sometimes it's hard. But then there are days like today that make me think about that whole topic again.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Google Reader
This is one of those things that I thought I would never use. I just thought it wasn't for me. Boy was I wrong! I started using it a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! It saves time having to go through all the sites/blogs that I normally check. Yay Google Reader!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Caleb's Second Birthday Party
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