Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bad Parenting

Just had a kid out in our hallway where I work who was throwing the fit of a century. The mom was sitting there doing nothing about it, so I went out there to ask if the child was ok. (Hint, Hint mom! Your kid is driving everyone crazy!) The lady says "He's screaming because he wants candy."


Your kid is throwing down because he wants candy? And you're not doing a darn thing about it? Great!

After about 10 minutes of still listening to the kid screaming, against my better judgement (I'm not one for rewarding a kid for a fit...or a parent for bad parenting!) I got a Tootsie Roll out of my office and took it to the kid. Meanwhile others were trying to give him cookies. But he would not stop screaming. I wound up telling the mom that it might be a good idea for her to take a break with the kid outside until he was able to calm down. It is now 30 minutes later and the kid is still going strong.
