Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Best/Worst Diet

I went to see my perinatologist last Friday. The babies are both looking great, but I did find out that the baby girl is not gaining weight fast enough. So, for the next three weeks until I go back, I am supposed to lay down at home any time I am not at work and eat as much high calorie, high protein foods as possible. So, here's what my diet consists of right now:

Breakfast: Carnation Instant Breakfast and a nice big piece of cheesecake
Lunch: As much food as I can eat!
Dinner: Same as above
Snacks: protein shakes, ice cream more cheesecake and anything else that is packed full of calories and protein

I wish I could be enjoying this diet more, but I am just not ever hungry. Probably because I have two kiddos squishing my stomach. I mean really, there is probably never going to be another time in my life when I can feel good about eating like this. But I'm trying as hard as I can!

My prayer is that when I go back on the 30th to the doctor, that baby girl will have gained tons of weight and the doctor will not be worried anymore. I am not in any danger of preterm labor, so that is great. I just need the baby girl to gain weight like a champ!

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Pregnant With Twins

So, for the most part being pregnant with twins hasn't been much different than being pregnant with one kiddo.

Here are the differences I have noticed though:
  • Longer and worse morning sickness (didn't go away until after 4 months in this time)
  • Feeling two babies moving around - so cool! I can actually pretty much tell which kiddo is moving around. And it's great because I know which side each is on, so I can tell if it is the boy or the girl doing the kicking!
  • Even more blood flow than with one baby. I can literally feel the blood racing through me most of the time. It's crazy!
  • Nosebleeds. I never had these with Caleb, but because of the increased blood flow needed for two babies, a lot of times your nose just can't handle the extra blood. It hasn't been bad, but it was enough for me to look it up to make sure it was normal.
  • Back ache. Oh my! Again, I had no problems with my back while carrying Caleb, but man this time has been horrible. It would get so bad to where at night I would just have to lay down and not do anything. I tried putting heat on it and it really did not help. Then I decided I would go buy a maternity back support belt. I got one yesterday, and as soon as I put it on, I have been pain free! So this thing is my new best friend and I sure hope it keeps working for the remainder of my pregnancy.