Friday, September 22, 2006

Here I am world!

Well, I finally decided to start a blog. I have always enjoyed writing, and after reading other peoples' blogs for a little over a year, I thought I would bite the bullet and start blogging myself. I feel that this will be a good way to reflect on the things that happen throughout my day and life.

We finally have a weekend where not much is going on. We are going to go to the Marriage Seminar at church on Sat., but besides that, we do not have much. I feel some much needed naps coming on!

Caleb slept 8 hours last night and probably would have slept longer, but I had to wake him up to eat. Woo hoo! I am so lucky to have a baby that sleeps great!

Well, this is a boring first post, but I'll add something later if anything more exciting comes up.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

That is great that Caleb sleeps so well. At 5 months is when Kimber started spoiling me with sleep!!