Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Our first sick day

Well, Caleb has the Roseola virus and had to stay home from school today. He will probably be out of school for the rest of the week. I stayed home with him today just to make sure that he was ok. I think I handled the day pretty well...until tonight. Chris went to church for a little while tonight, so I was at home with Caleb alone again. I fed him (which is a big ordeal since he doesn't want to eat right now) and tried to put him to bed. He obviously did not want to go to bed though and screamed and cried for around 30 minutes. By the time Chris got home, I was in tears and at my wits end. It was so nice to be able to pass him off and get a break finally.

Since this is Caleb's first big illness (he has had colds, ear infections, big deal!), I have been a little nervous. Especially since it involves a fairly high fever. I know everything is going to be ok, but it is awful watching him knowing that he is uncomfortable and not being able to do a darn thing about it. I can't wait till he can talk and at least let me know what hurts so I can do something about it. I would do anything to make him feel better, but I just dont know what is the matter at this point.

I am praying that he will feel better tomorrow and that the fever will break. Until then, I'll be one stressed out mom. :)


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Caleb being sick. I know it is so frustrating and tiring. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Today is another day and my prayer is that Caleb is feeling much better, that you both were able to rest last night, and that you realize that you are a VERY good mom. I love watching you with little Caleb...your love for him is so-o-o evident...even in your tears. God has blessed Chris and Caleb and ME by putting you in our lives. I love you, Steph!!!

Lynn Leaming said...

Sure hope Caleb is much, much better. You are all in my prayers.
It is times like these that you get a glimpse into God's heart as a Father and how he hates to see His children suffer. Hope Caleb gets well real soon!