Before Chris and I had Caleb, we made a vow to each other that when we had kids, we would not talk about their poop and pooping all of the time like we had noticed parents doing. That vow did not last long after having Caleb.
Caleb has been constipated for the past 2 weeks, so we have been having lots of "poop talk" at our house and with family and friends. I didn't think anything about it until Chris pointed it out to me and reminded me that we used to say that we would never talk about that least to others.
I now see why it is an important thing to parents. We have been worried about Caleb for two weeks, but he finally seems to be better now. Parents worry about their kids and want them to be healthy, so it is a big deal to them when something is not going right.
So, anyway, if we have offended you over the past couple of weeks with "poop talk", here is my apology. I guess I'm one of those crazy parents now!
I've learned to "never say never" - although it's so tempting!
Boy I hope I don't offend anyone b/c I talk about it all the time. I don't see how you can't - it is half your life and a good indicator if they are sick or not. Well, I guess it is half my life. I have a little one that goes at a minimum twice a day and we are rarely that low. Oops - now I am writing about it. I guess you just can't hang around me if you don't want to hear about it.
I hope you know I am just kidding. If I do offend anyone let me know. It is hard for me not to talk about my pooping machine. :) I can relate to your pain Steph - Kimber is having the opposite problem right now. Maybe we should get them together to balance out. :)
Poopy poop poopy poop.
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