Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Things Caleb Likes to Say

"Woh" - He started saying this this weekend. Every time he sees something "cool," he says "Woh". We're not sure where he picked it up, but it's pretty darn funny.

"No-no" - Of course, this is always a favorite with the kids.

"Me" = Milk - He can't get the "lk" part of it yet, but I know when he says "me" that he wants milk.

"Light" - He has been able to say this for awhile. He loves lights and always points to them and says "light". For awhile, he didn't really say the t on the end, but he has it down now.

"Down" - Sounds more like "dow." He knows this from when he climbs up on the first step of our stairs and gets told to come down. He also points his finger down like I do when he says this also.

"Bye" - He likes to say this just as the person is walking away....so they normally don't hear him.

"Hi" - He has gotten really good at this lately. He will wave and say "Hi" to anyone he meets on the street, etc.

That's all that I can think of that he is saying right now, but I'm sure he'll be saying much more very soon. It's so exciting to see him learn new things, and I am really excited about him learning to talk! So much fun!


Unknown said...

it's great to be able to communicate with words! we take it for granted, but for a child, every new word means one more thing they can get across to us.

Amberly said...

Okay, it's probably because it's so late here & I'm way too tired to think straight, but this sentence made me laugh:
"He will wave and say "Hi" to anyone he meets on the street, etc."
I'm just wondering how many people Caleb "meets on the street"!! :) I mean, what is this kid doing?

He's such a cutie!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so-o-o much for keeping us updated on Caleb's day-to-day learning experiences. It helps the pang of not getting to see our baby as often as we would like. Steph, if you can't seem to find the time to write in Caleb's baby book, why not just copy and paste your blog notes to Word, print out and stick them in his baby book or in a notebook ...they're all dated and give such a great commentary from Mommy! Hugs :-)