Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Losing My Mind

I decided tonight was going to be the night to get a couple of projects done. I had purchased the items that I needed to accomplish these projects awhile back. But tonight was going to be the night to get them done and checked off my list.

As I started collecting what I needed around the house, I realized I could not find one of the items that I really needed for a certain project. I remember getting home from the store with it and showing it to Chris. Beyond that, I don't remember where I put it. I've looked through drawers, closets, the whole works...but I cannot find it.

So I decided that maybe I need to start writing down where things are so that when I go looking for them, they are there. Or hey, if I would just put stuff up where it belongs, that would help too. I always think "Oh, I'll put that up later." Or "I'll find it here when I need it". But can I find it? Very rarely if ever!

So, I'll probably find this item as soon as I either go get another one from the store or find some other way to get it accomplished. Then I'll have way too much of it and then will probably lose it again.

Man, I sure wish I could find what I need around here!

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