Monday, February 18, 2008

Love When That Happens!

Last night on the way to church, the radio announced the next song that was about to play. I immediately sang the first line to the song. In the next second, the song started playing and I realized that I had sung it on the correct pitches/key. I love it when I do that! It's amazing that your mind can remember the key that a song is in without you really thinking about it at all. Chris and I talked about when we would be in marching band or concert season and we would play music so much that you would be able to sing it in the correct key at any time. I remember going to my piano in high school to see if I really was singing the right notes, and I was every time! The mind is amazing!


Dara said...

You have a special mind and talent to be able to do that!!! Not all of us are able to remember a song in the right key or sing it! I can remember songs vividly in my mind (words, key, pitch), but rarely does it come out correctly in my vocals! Oh well! You have a wonderful God-given talent!!!

Lindsay said...

Don't think I could sing on key even if I knew the key! Not blessed with a musical gift but I can sure appreciate music - especially when it is on key! ;)