Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Movie Reviews

It's time for another installment of Stephanie's movie reviews!

Fool's Gold: I thought it was a cute movie. Kind of predictable, but it was a feel good movie.

August Rush: Fairly good movie. Sad most of the movie. Also predictable, but was happy at the end.


Lindsay said...

I can't believe you thought August Rush was only fairly good. I thought it was so great and powerful - one of Jake and Is favorites. Wish I coukd have gone last night. I was wondering about Fools Gold - so probably a rental?

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the reviews, Stephanie - I haven't seen either of these movies. I did see a good one this past weekend on DVD - Becoming Jane. If you are a Jane Austen fan at all you would like it. I thought it was well-done.