Monday, February 11, 2008

A Sight to Behold

Last Friday, I went to lunch at Freebirds near the church. There was a guy working there that had stretched his ear lobes out to where they are huge. Huge! The whole time I was in line, I was staring at this guy. I didn't want to stare at him. I just couldn't take my eyes from him. I told my coworker in line next to me that I really hoped I didn't get this guy making my burrito because there would be no way I could concentrate on the burrito at hand. Luckily, the guy helped someone out two people ahead of me. I eventually got to where I didn't have to stare at him, but I sure didn't like the feeling of not being able to keep my eyes away from his ears. It was so strange.

I don't get why people feel the need to do things like this to themselves. Attention? Do they really think it looks good? I just kept thinking "We are not in Africa! We don't have to do this to ourselves in America!" It was a very strange lunch experience.


Chris Carroll said...
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Chris Carroll said...

You'll change your tune after I get my lip disked...

Anonymous said...

...I just hope it's your bottom lip, Chris, so you'll have someplace to keep your cell fone when you go jogging in shorts with no pockets. Gotta keep it in the realm of usefulness. You might have to hook it to your nostrils to cut down wind resistance tho! :)