Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Stormy Night

Wow! We haven't had thunderstorms like we had last night in a LONG time! I remember when I was a kid, it seemed like we had thunderstorms all of the time. Maybe that was because I was deathly afraid of lightning and the loud thunder, but it really seems like we used to have them more often.

Part of me was ticked because it was keeping me awake, and the other part of me thought it was really neat! Except for the part when it was hailing and the part where Chris' car alarm went off...those weren't so cool. But it was nice to have a good rain, and now that I'm older and much wiser, I love thunderstorms. They are so cool! It's fun to relish in the power of them.

When I first heard the storm, I immediately started praying "Don't let Caleb wake up. Don't let Caleb wake up." It wasn't a few minutes later though when you know who woke up. He was pretty scared with all of the loud booms and rain hitting his window, so he wound up coming to bed with us (I know, I know, I should never let him come to bed with us. Bad me!)

So, though I didn't get great sleep last night (and you all know how much I adore sleep!), I am glad we got a good rain and I enjoyed the display of light and sound.


Lindsay said...

You know I am shocked Kimbo slept through the storm and the car alarm that went off right outside her window b/c of the thunder. I had to check to make sure she was breathing. Turns out she is a great night sleeper. At 6:45 we had to wake her up and all we did was turn on the light and she sat right up and was ready to go. So funny that the noise last night did nothing to hinder the sleep and turning on the lights this morning just woke her right up. Sorry you had a hard time sleeping- the thunder woke Jake and I up twice last night as well.

Anonymous said...

I must be a good sleeper like Kimberlyn because I didn't wake up or hear it either! Casey said it was really loud.

Dara said...

It definitely woke me up a couple of times... but the girls slept right through it! It really was LOUD!!!! Amazing!

Unknown said...

Why not let Caleb come to bed with you- especially in a unique circumstance like a thunderstorm. I don't see anything wrong with it.
I enjoyed the lightning last night most of all. I missed the hail though- I was only awake for about 5 minutes. Just long enough to notice the rain and cool lightning and roll over and go back to sleep.

Lynn Leaming said...

I also think it is okay to let Caleb sleep in your bed on occasion and this seemed like a perfect one to me! I was glad I was in bed with someone as some of that thunder was shaking my windows!!