Caleb is not a huge fan of huge stuffed animals walking around. He could really do without them. At home and then on the way to school this morning, I kept telling him that he was going to see the Easter Bunny, but that the EB was ok. He is a nice bunny. And that Caleb would be ok. I had him repeat all this back to me.
When we got to school for the EB breakfast, Caleb was immediately not sure of the big, fluffy, walking animal. He kept reaching for me and whining. I kept talking to him and finally got him to say hi a few times to the bunny. But as long as the bunny was in the room, Caleb would not eat or do anything but stare at him. He had to keep him in direct view.
So, when it came time for pictures with the EB, I knew it wasn't going to be pretty. His teacher had the other kids in the buggy go first so that he might feel better about it. (Yep, everyone knows my kid is a scaredy cat like his mama!) But when it was his turn, he wasn't having anything to do with the bunny.
That's when mom stepped in. Mom wants at least one picture with the EB each year, so she had to take things into her own hands. Caleb was fine as long as I held him and didn't let that mean EB at him (which just so happened to be one of the nicest guys around!). So, here are our 2008 Easter Bunny pictures. I'm hoping that I won't have to be in the picture next year. Here's hoping.