Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Clueless About Weather

I have been so screwed up the past few weeks. I don't watch tv, and I don't listen to much radio in the car, so I have been totally clueless about what the weather is doing. I'll think that because it was hot and sunny one day that it is going to be that way the next day. But it seems like it has been completely opposite weather every day for the past few weeks. I wouldn't mind so much, but I have been dressing Caleb and myself according to the weather of the previous day, and that hasn't been working out very well. Monday of this week was warm, so I dressed Caleb in shorts yesterday. I knew it was going to rain, but I didn't know the temperatures would drop a little bit too. So I felt like a crummy parent all day because my kid was the only one in shorts. There have been other days that it is really hot outside, and I dress my kid warmer than everyone else.

So, last night when Chris was on the computer, I finally asked him to check the weather for me, and I think I have it down for today! Yay for Mommy!


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are dressed appropriately today! This used to be my problem too but then I started turning on the news when I get up and am in the kitchen getting breakfast and lunches ready. I only watch about 10-15minutes but it works for me! And there's an added bonus...traffic reports!

Anonymous said...

The media makes such a big deal out of the weather any more that it's more pleasant to stay away from it. I have WeatherBug on my computer and usually look at the forecast the night before, then check when it hits my taskbar with an alert. lets you know whether to wear a hat or not...NOT for today. :-)