Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Another Fear Came True

I have a list of fears that run through my mind occasionally. I don't think much about them except for thinking "Man, I sure hope that doesn't ever happen!" Well, yesterday one of those fears came true.

After work, I handed Caleb my car keys while I was locking up the church with my other set of keys. He kept holding on to the keys while I was putting him in the car. I remember hearing him press a button and the car making a noise, but it didn't really click in my head what had just happened. Then after buckling him in his car seat, I shut the door.

I immediately thought "Oh, no! I just locked him in the car!!!" I was hoping that was not true, but it was. For a second I stood there not knowing what to do. Then I checked my back door/window because a few weeks ago it was not working. It worked yesterday.

I then ran in the building to the daycare office and told the asst. director that I had just locked Caleb in my car. I ran back out to my car while she tried to find our janitor. She couldn't find him, so we wound up having to call 911. The fire men came very quickly with sirens and all and proceeded to get the door open quickly.

I felt like such a dummy. Caleb will never get my keys again!! I am normally so careful about my keys since I have had this fear ever since I had Caleb. I normally do a "key check" before I shut the door. But I didn't do this yesterday. But now that this has happened, I will be WAY more paranoid about locking my keys and Caleb in the car. At least he was happy pretty much the whole time in the car. It wasn't hot. He had juice (his favorite thing ever!!), and he thought we were all playing a game looking at him, smiling and waving at him in the car. He probably thought it was fun. All I can say is I'm glad that is over with and I hope it never happens again!


Lindsay said...

I totally understand that you were scared. Like you said it was not hot and he was definitely safe. And hey - you gave the kids a great treat that day. They all loved seeing the firemen. Even Kimber enjoyed waving and looking at their truck. :) I know this won't really be funny until later. It is scary and I was so grateful it was such a cool day yesterday. Caleb was a champ!

Dara said...

How scary! I haven't done the car one yet, but Emma locked me out of the house when she was about 2 one time. She was panicked and crying the whole time. I had to scale our fence and run next door to call my mom, who ran to our house with a key... after 20 minutes. I just tried to calm Emma down and sing songs through the back door window. I also kept trying to tell her how to unlock the door lock, but she just couldn't do it. It was extremely scary and stressful!

I am so glad all circumstances went well with Caleb's lock in!

Stephanie said...

Our next door neighbor's kid locked her out one day also when he was about 2. She ran over scared as can be. I found the non-emergency number for the Sachse police, and we called them. But before they could get there, she talked the kid into opening up the back door. Very scary indeed!

Anonymous said...

Every experience is a learning experience, right! :) So now you just carry a car key on your church ring too. Bet Caleb loved the big red fire truck, sirens and the firefighters. Now he just needs to know how to hit the unlock button on the key fob, so he can get out...when HE LOCKS HIMSELF in the car again! LOL So-o-o glad you are both safe.

Supermom-In-Training said...

Definitely scary! Jon has told me lots of firefighter stories where kiddos have done this before. You did the right thing! I'm sure Caleb thought his mommy was the best - bringing up the firetruck just for him!

Unknown said...

Oh Steph! I can't believe it!
What an awful feeling just after you realized the car was locked with Caleb inside...I hate that sinking feeling that comes in those kinds of situations.
Glad everyone is ok!