Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thunderstorm Warning

Anybody else out there excited about the chance of rain today? I don't know why I am, but...I am. I used to HATE thunderstorms. The lightening and loud thunder scared me as a kid. I didn't like rain because it made it to where I couldn't go outside. Really, what good was it?

But I now love rain and thunderstorms! It seems like we don't have near as many as when I was a kid. But I might think that because I didn't like them so much and thought they happened way too much. Who knows.
But bring on the rain today! My yard could use a drink anyway.


Anonymous said...

I love thunderstorms too! Of course, I would appreciate if it would hold off until I get home tonight so traffic is not quite the nightmare it will be if it's storming, but that remains to be seen!

Lindsay said...

I agree with Rachel. I will also admit that now that i have a child who LOVES to be outside - they are quite inconvenient for me. Especially since my backyard has so many low spots. Oh well. I guess I will be pulling out the windsuit for the rest of the week! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd give you some of our rain if I could. We are about to float away. Kathy