Friday, April 04, 2008

We're Home!

What's worse?
  • When your kid says "We're home!" when you pull up to church (where he also goes to school)
  • Or When he says "We're home!" when you pull up to Taco Bueno?

This really bothered me for a few days, but then I realized he says this when we pull up to most anywhere. When we slowed down to pull into a gas station the other day, he said "We're home!" And we don't get gas all that much.

So now the education begins in teaching him when to say "We're home!" and "We're there!"...or something like that.


Anonymous said...

I can just hear Caleb's little voice with all its joyfulness! Just glad to be anywhere. Wish we were all so carefree, huh?! Did you get any rumbly thunders last night. Those are my favorite.We did this morning. God's creation is so-o-o-o awesome and powerful. Love you, Steph.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Taco Bueno. That's so funny! That would be a great second home!

Dara said...

Sounds like "We're Home!" is Caleb-speak for "We're stopping!"

Sooo cute! Love those kids sayings!

Carolyn said...

I love it!