Friday, May 23, 2008

"Pick a Nose"

Over the last week or so, Caleb has been saying something about a nose in the car on our way home from school. I haven't been able to understand what he was really saying until yesterday...

Caleb said, "Pick a nose."

Which prompted mommy to say, "No, we don't pick our noses. No pick nose." I said this a few times just to get it in his head right.

A few minutes later...

Caleb says "Mommy, hold it!"

I look back to him, and he is holding his hand out with something in it. I reach my hand back and realize that he is sticking a booger in my hand. How gross!

I immediately told him again that we do not pick our noses...that it is gross, etc. I think he thinks its fun though. Or at least fun to see what I'll say.

How do kids learn these things so early?!

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