Friday, August 08, 2008

My Two Year Old Teenager

There are many things that Caleb has done from a very early age that made me say "Man, my baby already acts like a teenager!" This morning, we had another one of those instances.

I went in to wake Caleb up to get ready for school. I whispered, "Caleb!" a few times. He moved a little bit but wasn't willing to wake up yet. So I rubbed his back and whispered "Caleb!" again. He then barely opened his eyes, looked at me, and said "What!"

Chris and I just looked at each other and smiled. I and I thought to myself "I can't believe he just said that!"

These are the times that I'm glad I'm blogging so that I can record these little funny things that happen in our lives. It'll be fun to look back on when Caleb really is a teenager or an adult.

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