Yesterday afternoon after Caleb and I left church, we had to stop for gas. So, we filled up the tank (costing less than $50 for the 3rd time lately! Yes!), and I got back in the car to head home. I turned the key. . . Nothing. I turned it again. . . Nothing. Then came the sinking feeling. And my two year old in the back seat saying "It's not working." (Which I thought was pretty clever for a two year old to be attentive enough to realize that the car wasn't working.)
I knew Chris was in a sectional and probably wouldn't answer my call. So I immediately called my dad. Dad immediately jumped in the car to come help me out. (Aren't dad's great!) It was going to take him 30 minutes to get to us though, so I decided to ask a man at the gas station if he could jump us off since I have jumper cables in my car. So, I nicely asked a man if he could jump us off, and he agreed.
On a side note, this nice man had a car where you could plug the jumper cables into the trunk. I thought this was very cool. I didn't know that was an option, but after talking to Chris, I realized new, cool cars have this option to where you can plug stuff up in the grills to tailgate with, etc.
Anyway, so this nice man jumped us off and even wound up my cables to put them back in their neat little bag they go in. I was very thankful for this stranger's help.
On the way home, I was on the phone with my dad. He told me to turn my headlights on to see if they were bright or dim in order to maybe tell if it was the battery or alternator. My engine immediately kicked and then a light came on on the dash. I quickly turned the lights off as well as the air just in case. My dad was worried that the alternator had gone out and that my car might die before we got home. But we made it home, and got the car in the garage.
Chris came home and realized that my battery had no water in it. Then my dad came over with his battery charger. Once the car was charged, it worked fine. I'm glad it was an easy fix and that we didn't have to go buy an alternator last night.
I am so thankful for the man that helped me at the gas station, to my dad for always being willing to drop what he's doing to come help me, and to Chris for being willing to miss church (even though he wound up not having to) in order to make sure that my car was working.