Caleb and I spent most of the night last night in our backyard. We ate dinner at Caleb's picnic table and then played outside for a long time. It was beautiful weather, and we had a great time! Mommy had fun taking tons of pictures of Caleb playing, and Caleb kept asking Mommy to take more. Here's hoping the weekend will be this nice so we can hang out outside more!

I KNOW...the weather has been great. I'm glad you and Caleb enjoyed it. Great pictures!
Caleb is getting so big and you cut his hair. He looks more like a boy and losing his baby looks. they grow up so fast. I was talking to Alissa the other day and she was saying how she need a job very badly. Kyle is doing some odd jobs to bring in some money so I told her that she shouldn't worry and just enjoy the time she has with her son. This may be God's way of giving her that time because before long he will be stating kidnergarten the same as Charlotte. The picutres were great I miss seeing thelittle guy. Thanks for sharing. Marcie
Very cute!! So, that explains why when we went outside on Sat. night and got on his ladder, he said, "Take pictures?" He's used to you taking LOTS of pix.
:) Mom
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