I love my car! I bought it after I got my first paycheck from teaching. I've had it over 6 years now and it still feels brand new to me. It's been with me when Chris and I were dating, when we were first married, through our first years of marriage, and now with Caleb in the family! It has been a great car, and I plan to keep it for a very long time.
Well, my car rolled over to 100,000 miles on Tuesday. Chris thinks I'm nuts, but I had to take this picture of it rolling over. It's like it was my car's birthday! So, happy 100,000 miles, car! Here's to many, many more!
And I almost got to hit that mile marker with you!!!
Woohoo! You beat me there and my car is 8 years old! Hope to keep mine at least two more years. Here's to oldies but goodies!
Wow! You drive a lot! I got mine 6 years ago, too, and I have 60,000 miles...this is mainly because Casey drives me everywhere when we're together. I think I will probably take a picture, too! It is a milestone! :)
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