Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I'm Back!! End of Naptime?

To my faithful readers whom I have let down by not posting (mainly the grandparents of my kid), sorry! But I am back!

We may be approaching the end of naps around our house. It's a sad, sad time. Last Saturday, Caleb came bounding downstairs after about 20 minutes and announced very happily "Daddy, I had a goooood nap!" Mommy immediately marched him back upstairs to try again. He then wound up in our bed just so he would actually go to sleep.

Then on Sunday, I had a horrible headache so I went to sleep really fast. I kept hearing little things every once in awhile but didn't ever see Caleb in my room, so I just kept sleeping. I heard later that he had gone to his old room where all of his books are and quietly read and played with toys. Then later, he decided to come sit and play in the doorway of our bedroom. Pretty quickly, I realized he was there and made him come take a nap.

I LOVE naps! And I will still be taking naps long after Caleb decides he's done with them. I'm just happy that he already knows that he needs to play quietly while mommy is sleeping! But I really would wish he would still take a nap.


grammie said...

Naps...better yet...power naps are where it's at! I'm glad he's quiet and respectful while others are sleeping. Now to train him to wake up Daddy when he wants something and NOT Mommy. His daddy & uncles never quite grasped that!! LOL

grammie said...

BTW...you need to log Caleb's "where do I live?" story for posterity! I keep watching for it. :-)

Beverly said...

I don't think I've heard the "where do I live" story. Yes, blog about that.
You probably need to blog about his reading now too. Proud Mimi here!!