Friday, July 13, 2012

Potty Humor

I'm at a conference this week and am having trouble with all kinds of potties that I run across.

The ones in the hotel that are automatic. That flush before I even sit down! I thought I was the only one this was happening to until I asked a lady that I know. Turns out its not just me.

Black toilets. I am pretty deathly afraid of these. I know the white, normal ones are just as germy, but I'm really icked out by the black ones. Is this just me? I'm really not sure what my deal is, but they completely gross me out! Ok, so the biggest thing is that you can't tell what's in the bowl. Could be clear. Could not be. You just don't know. And that's weird and yucky in my book.

There's a restaurant that Chris and I like to go to that has black potties. And I now avoid that restroom at all costs. It has to be an extreme emergency for me to go in there. I'm very scared!

And the other day here in Houston, I ran across one of these and was immediately nervous. But I'm happy to say that I survived and live to tell about it! :)


1 comment:

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

Haha! Gloria's has black toilets and I don't like them either!!!