Friday, September 29, 2006

That Drives Me Nuts!

Some of my fellow blog friends have been writing about things that drive them crazy this week. I couldn't think of anything that really drove me nuts (excpet the elevator thing, Rachel. That gets me every time!) , but I just remembered something:

When I am walking and someone is coming towards me, I always smile or say hi to acknowledge the person. What drives me nuts is when the person coming toward me acts like they don't see you and does not acknowledge you at all. Now, I understand if you are busy with something or talking or if there is a crowd around, but when there is just me and the other person in the hall it feels so uncomfortable to smile at the person or say hi and not even be acknowledged at all.

I guess people may be deep in thought and just may not realize what is happening, but it seems like common courtesy to acknowledge the other person coming toward you. It always makes me feel like I am invisible when things like this happen.

Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me? :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I agree. I think it is a real shame we do not acknowledge someone right in front of our face. I know I am guilty of that sometimes but I don't think I have ever ignored someone trying to say hi or smile at me. We are in such an age where technology (which is a great thing for the most part but...) takes over and personal involvement is less and less. So many people do not notice someone right in front of them b/c they have an IPOD or cell phone in their ear.