Thursday, December 07, 2006

We've Mastered Rolling

Well, just in the course of the day yesterday, Caleb mastered rolling over from his back to his stomach. He's a rolling fool now! You can barely lay him down and he's already rolled over. The problem is he doesn't like to be on his stomach at all. So in the middle of the night last night he rolled over twice....once at 2 a.m. and once at 4 a.m. And since he refuses to roll back over he just sat there and cried until I came and turned him back over. All I can say is he better decide to roll back over or learn how to sleep on his stomach pretty quick because things could really get out of hand if he keeps this up.

It is truly amazing how fast babies learn things. Once Caleb has done something new, it is like he has totally mastered it and is ready for the next new thing. It won't be long before my baby is getting around all by himself and getting into things. I can't wait till he can crawl or walk because it will open so many new forms of entertainment to him and new ways for us to play with him. My mom says she always was excited about each new step we took as babies and kids, and I am so excited about all of the new things that Caleb is doing and all of the new things that he will learn and experience in the future. He really gets more and more fun all of the time.


Amberly said...

It is fun & so exciting to watch your children grow & learn new things. For instance, I am secretly (or not so secretly now) excited for my kids to start Kindergarten next year. Not because I'll have some extra free time, but because of all the fun, new things they'll be learning at school. I actually love having my kids home with me during the day & we all have a great time together, but I am excited to watch them take this next step in life. I remember we couldn't wait to hear each of our kids actually form words & talk... and now, there are days when I can't wait for the silence!! :)

Lindsay said...

Oh yes every stage keeps getting more fun. It hard to let go of the old stage and move on to the new - like my baby is about to be a toddler. That is really hard for me to grasp even though I have more fun everyday.

Unknown said...

I am not excited at all about Ava going to kindergarten- maybe I'll change my mind in the next year and a half. It just makes me sad to think of her going into that big world of school all by herself and facing the tough challenges on her own in a classroom of kids that won't always be very nice and a teacher that can't possibly care half as much about her as I do. Well, that is depressing. Sorry.