Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Busy, Busy

Well, it's been over a week since I posted last. Chris had his tonsils out last Wednesday, so things have been kind of crazy since then. Everyone said it would be hard on an adult, and they were right. Chris has some different medicine now that hopefully will make him feel better within a day or two. I feel really bad that he has felt so crummy. I feel so helpless when he or Caleb is sick or feels bad. I wish I could do something to make it better, but I can't. I just have to try to help out the best I can.

I don't know what I would do without family to help out. Our family has been such a huge help to us this past week. Thank you mom, dad, Jeanette, grandmother and grandaddy! We love you all!

Also, please be in prayer for Chris and his family. His grandfather passed away last night. We are not sure of the details yet, but the funeral will be in El Paso. With Chris feeling the way he does right now, there is no way he can travel. Pray for speedy recovery for Chris so that he will feel up to making the trip and for all of us as we travel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope Chris does feel better so you guys can travel - and I'm also so sorry about his grandfather.