Monday, March 05, 2007

The Phone That Got Away

We went to the El Chico in Rockwall on Friday night with my parents. On the way over there, I called my dad to let him know that we were running late. Then on Saturday morning at Pit Stop, I went looking for my phone, but it wasn't there. I didn't think anything about it since I thought it would be at home.

Then at around 5:30 Saturday night, I started wondering about my phone. I turned the car and house inside and out looking for it. I remembered using it on Friday night and had Chris look it up the internet to see if that was in fact the last time it was used. I called El Chico, but they said they didn't have it. I decided to drive to El Chico (35 minutes away) to look for it anyway (I thought it might have been in a dark corner under the table we were sitting at or in the parking lot). When I got there, I asked the family sitting at the table if I could look under it for my phone...not there. Then I talked to the manager again and left him my contact info. in case he found it. Then I went and bought a flash light at CVS and then came back to look for it...not there. So I went home.

By this point I was all in a tizzy (sp?) because I thought someone had found my phone and stolen it. I was bummed that I was about to have to go spend money to buy a new phone.

At 10:00 that night, Chris' cell phone rang. He went downstairs to see who it was. Almost immediately, the home phone started ringing. It was the manager at El Chico saying he had just been walking by their safe in the back and heard a phone ringing. He looked inside to find the phone, and saw that it was had been shoved in the back corner of the safe.

My brother had tried to call my cell phone, and when he couldn't get me he tried Chris' phone. Because of Casey calling me, I got my cell phone back! How cool is that! My parents also said they were calling my phone all night once an hour to see if someone would find it and answer it.

This story reminds me of the time that I lost my purse in a gas station for three days, and when I returned to pick it up, everything was still there.

God is looking out for me even though I'm a ding-dong! :)

I will be shopping for a new purse that zips over the next few days so I hopefully wont have this problem again. Yay, new purse! :)

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Thank goodness your cell phone has a good battery life. I think mine would have died by then. My battery is useless!