Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Things That Make My Mouth Water By Just Thinking About Them...

1) Pickles

2) Salad - but not all of the time

3) Olives

What makes your mouth water just by thinking about it?


Anonymous said...

Oh, so many things! But here's the top three that I can think of:

1. Chocolate cake

2. Black Beans

3. Garlic Bread

Notice how none of mine are particularly healthy - ok, maybe the black beans. Lots of fiber there!

Lindsay said...

Japanese Food
Thai Food
Chinese Food

I don't think I was supposed to be American. :)

Lynn Leaming said...

Chocolate Sundae Cheesecake from cheesecake factory
Baked potato (loaded)
Cheddars Oriental Chicken Salad

Anonymous said...

How 'bout?

1. lite chips, good salsa and green avocado sauce from Casa Ole

2. chicken spaghetti

3. silk french blizzard from DQ

Wanta add a 4th, but you just ask for top 3...chuckle