Saturday, April 07, 2007


Do you clip, save and use coupons? If so, do you believe it makes a difference?

I used to clip and use coupons quite a bit but haven't done so in the past few years. I have thought about starting up again. What do you think?


Lynn Leaming said...

I have done coupons some, but usually don't because to me it takes too much time to shop by the brands. I have known people that really know how to work them and seem to save quite a bit. I don't think it is worth using the ones where you have to buy multiples to save, but the ones that give you at least $.25 off. Do stores still have double or triple coupon day? I found those days it made more of a difference. Anyway, I was never organized enough to make it work very easy. I'll be interested in hearing your experiences.

Anonymous said...

I have done it from time to time but to save a lot of money (or enough money to make it worth-while), you have to buy in bulk and have a place to store things. I don't really shop this way so it doesn't generally work for me. I do use random coupons on occasion. Another issue for me is that we don't subscribe to the Sunday newspaper so we don't get those coupons and I don't feel like we'd save enough to pay for the subscription. Mostly that's because it's just the two of us, I don't like to buy in bulk and we don't buy a lot of the things that they have coupons for anyway. And obviously, if I'm going out of my way to use coupons on products I wouldn't ordinarily buy because I have a coupon for them - I'm not really saving money. My reward card at my grocery store saves me more money on just the things that I buy on a regular basis.

Unknown said...

OH. MY. Goodness. YES I use coupons and it saves me like $10 every time I go to the grocery store. I only buy things I would be buying anyway, and Kroger triples coupons up to 35 cents and doubles up to 50 cents. I get free things sometimes. Like french's mustard is only $1 and I had a 50 cent off coupon last time I went to the store, so free mustard! I clip them out of the Sunday paper and my mother in law gives me her coupon booklets from her paper because she doesn't care to clip coupons. There are great coupons for baby stuff too like pull ups training pants $2 off, and I wait till they are on sale at Kroger for $8.99 and so I get them for 6.99 a package. When things are on sale and you use a coupon on top of it you really win. Same thing goes for the food products. I find that only a few coupons make you buy in bulk, two or more products. I usually only use the ones that are for a single item unless I would normally buy two anyway. And when I use my coupons I make sure that they actually make the product cost less than the store brand or I buy the store brand. Sometimes I only use 2-3 coupons and other times I hand over a fistfull when I shop, it just depends. You don't have to get a subscription to the newspaper, you can buy the Sunday only at the grocery store, and lots of times it says "double coupons" I guess it is two issues for the price of one. I have a little accordian file folder that I store coupons in. I use one for grocery stuff and another for non-food items. Mine and Cody's deodarent, our toothpaste, shaving cream, kleenex, batteries, detergent, dishwashing liquid, etc all have coupons in the paper from time to time so I use those. I store the non-food coupons by type (baby stuff, toiletries, cleaning, etc) and the food coupons by month of expiration. I think it saves me quite a bit of money. I make our menu based on the sale ad for the grocery store then use my coupons on top of that.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the papers at the grocery store but I didn't realize that was cheaper than the subscription - might have to check that out. You can just get a Sunday paper subscripton, by the way and not have to pay for the daily ones. Still, I always save at least $10 or more each week with my reward card and I don't have to clip anything - and it gives me a 10 cent discount at the gas pump - bonus! The best thing they do is a buy one get one free deal and I always take advantage of that. And I keep an eye on the prices since I buy a lot of the same things and I know they're discounting it with my card and not just raising the price to lower it. But I shop at Tom Thumb - not every store's card may be as good. And I just shop there because it's most convenient - it's the closest grocery type store (including Wal-Mart and Target) near my work and home. But perhaps coupons on top of my reward card would be even better.