Sunday, July 22, 2007

Seatbelt & Swimming: Take 2

I am always very cautious about wearing my seat belt. When Chris tries to take his off two seconds before the car stops moving, I nearly always get onto him. So, as I was driving home from church this morning, I realized about a mile down the road that something wasn't right. I immediately looked down, and I hadn't buckled in. I was so glad I hadn't been around a police officer during that mile. I couldn't believe that I had done that. I guess with trying to get Caleb in the car and thinking about many other things on the way out from church, I just forgot. What a dingbat!

Caleb and I went last Wednesday night to Hawaiian Falls with our church, and Caleb had a horrible time. All he wanted to do was sit in my lap (away from the water) and cling to me like nothing else. So, on Thursday I bought a little blow-up pool so that we could practice at home. And I decided that today was the day to try it out. So after blowing up the pool (all three rings of it) by small feat...we were ready.

Today was much better than Wednesday. I put his feet in the pool, and he immediately started crying. I then put him in my lap in the pool, and he continued to cry. I had put some of his bath toys in the pool, so I started playing with them like they were the most exciting things ever. After a few minutes, he quit crying and wanted to play with the toys. He was still very apprehensive about the whole thing and wanted to stay in my lap the whole time, but it was a big step in the right direction. I figure if we can keep going out to play in the pool often, he just might do well when the church goes back to Hawaiian Falls in mid August. So, I count today as a success!


Kristi said...

Good job Caleb!!

When we took Kalli to Hawaiian Falls for the first time in May, she hated it too. She screamed the entire time and would not set foot in the water. She has slowly warmed up to it where I would even venture to say she enjoys it now!!

I am happy you were not in an accident during the no seat belt mile!!

Lindsay said...

Good job Steph! I am glad buying the pool is making a difference. It is really different for the kids to get in the water at first. Hopefully we can venture out to Hawaiian Falls next time as well. I am just not sure yet with a 19 month old who has no fear of the water whatsoever. But she may suprise me and be calmer and want to stay near me. I guess we shall see.

Anonymous said...

Keep a paddling in that'll come. You're such a good mommy, Steph!