Well, Caleb wound up having a good afternoon yesterday. He immediately went to sleep at nap time and then had a blast playing in the afternoon. When I went to pick him up, they were in the gym playing with cars, and he did not want to leave. So it was good to see him having a good time.
When I dropped him off this morning, he cried a little in the room with the bigger kids. I had to just run out of the room so that he would calm down. Then besides a little crying on the playground from being stressed out (I've never known a kid to be stressed out on the playground, but mine is!), he has been great today! I just talked to his teacher, and she said he has had a much easier day. He went right down at nap time again, so that is really great since that was one of the things I was worried about the most with him.
So, anyway, I'm sure by the end of the week everything will be going well, and we'll all be used to the back to school mode.
This weekend we may go camping with my parents at Purtis Creek State Park. Anybody have any interesting Labor Day plans?
Oh, and sorry for no pictures yet. I promise I'll get them up here soon!