Yesterday afternoon after I left work, Caleb and I had to run by the story to pick up some things. The weather looked fine, a little cloudy, but not too bad. When I got to the register to check out, it was POURING outside.
There was no way that I was going to take Caleb out in the rain to get to the car because in one second, we would both be soaked. So, I stood outside under the roof waiting for it to slow down or clear up. We waited 20 minutes until our Knight in Shining Armor, Chris (daddy), rescued us. Chris came all the way from home to help us out by moving my car up by the building so that I could get Caleb and the groceries all in the car. What a great daddy! We sure do love him!
While we were waiting in front of the store, the lightening was so close it looked like it was hitting in the parking lot. The thunder was the loudest I have ever heard too. It sounded like extremely loud rapid rounds of gunfire were going off. I had never heard thunder sound like this. I was very impressed that Caleb didn't jump or cry. He just said, "Whoa!" a few times. Whoa! was right! It was incredible!
That happened to me last month. I had stopped at the grocery store right after work for a few things and wham - a huge storm hit and needless to say, I got soaked. So did my groceries. It was a mess! But Casey was still at work and I had no child with me!
What an awesome hubby!!
Man, the Dallas area has been hit hard lately, hasn't it?
I had lunch the other day with a lady from Ireland & she was talking about all the flooding that was happening in her hometown right now. Then, she mentioned about the flooding in England also. She asked me, "What's the weather like in Dallas?" I told her pretty much the same as Ireland & England. It's happening everywhere!
did i ever tell you about how lightening struck so near our house recently that the cordless phone i was talking on shocked me, and i saw a huge flash of light that seemed to be inside our house? i thought i was crazy, but then our neighbor mentioned it afterward, and he had seen a large flash of lighht inside his house too. it was weird!!!
That is so sweet, what an incredible husband and father!!!!!!
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