Friday, August 17, 2007

I'm Finished! I'm Finished!

Well, I finished the last Harry Potter book last night. It was sooo good! Chris is still on the 5th book, so I can't talk to him about it. After I finished the last page, I immediately thought, "Now I want to read them all over again!" There is so much that I am sure I have missed, and I'm sure if I read them again, new things would pop out at me. I may wait for awhile to read them again. Maybe even a few years, but they are definitely worth reading again...just like all great books!

I have thought about having a HP discussion party sometime since I want to talk about it with people really bad. Maybe after school starts and things slow down, I will host a party.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked it, Stephanie! It's so hard not to be able to talk to your spouse about it - Casey finished before me and he could barely stand it! A party would be fun!

Unknown said...

you better invite me!