Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Isn't it sad that I'm going to take a vacation day this Friday in order to clean my house? And that I'm actually looking forward to it? How crazy is that!!
Trunk or Treat
I'll get pictures up here really soon! I've got some cute ones of my hot hotdog and cute little mustard.
Y'all are so nice to say you are missing my posts! It's nice to know people out there are reading!
Y'all are so nice to say you are missing my posts! It's nice to know people out there are reading!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Too Busy To Post
Well, I thought I should post something for my faithful readers out there.
I have been too busy to post over the past few days. We had another busy weekend. Chris was out of town, so Caleb and I got to hang out again together this weekend.
I'll post pictures and other fun stories later, but I just wanted you all to know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
Oh, and by the way! You all outdid (is that one word?) yourselves at Trunk or Treat last night! I was so impressed by all of the creative trunks. You took my threats seriously, and I am so proud of you all! I wound up not having enough time, energy, or creativity to pull off a win this year, but there's always next year! You all set such high standards this year. I might as well give up now! :)
Hope you're having a great day!
I have been too busy to post over the past few days. We had another busy weekend. Chris was out of town, so Caleb and I got to hang out again together this weekend.
I'll post pictures and other fun stories later, but I just wanted you all to know I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
Oh, and by the way! You all outdid (is that one word?) yourselves at Trunk or Treat last night! I was so impressed by all of the creative trunks. You took my threats seriously, and I am so proud of you all! I wound up not having enough time, energy, or creativity to pull off a win this year, but there's always next year! You all set such high standards this year. I might as well give up now! :)
Hope you're having a great day!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Sick Day for Caleb
Well, Caleb stayed home sick today with Daddy. He was fine last night before we put him to bed except for some coughing. Then he had a hard night (which means mom & dad had a hard night too - waking up every few minutes or so). Around 4AM, he was burning up, so I gave him tylenol and he went back to sleep. This morning at 6, he was miserable and cried forever. Chris stayed home with him and was going to take him to the doctor. But after he took a nap after I left for work, he has been fine ever since. Not sure what to do with him. So weird!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
School Pumpkin Pictures
Monday, October 22, 2007
Closed Captioning
Any time we have the tv on, we have closed captioning on. I like having the words on the screen in case I can't hear something real great. But the other day, I was reminded of how bad closed captioning is. Why can't they spell correctly? Why can't it be more on live time (words on the screen for what I'm actually reading)? Maybe it's harder than I think, but somehow I don't think it is. Maybe it's just not a huge priority for tv stations to get it right. It drives me nuts though, and it just almost makes me want to turn off CC. Get it right people!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Food Chopper, Etc.
I am so excited! I just got to use my new Pampered Chef food chopper for the first time. My brother's fiancee had a PC shower awhile back, and I got myself a food chopper. When we got married someone gave us a small food processor. I have never been able to figure out how to put it all together (I lost the instructions), and I really haven't had the energy to try really hard on it. But now that I have this way cool food chopper, I can get rid of the other thing!
I just made a cheese spread that looks soooo good! I can't wait to try it tomorrow at Amy's shower. So, RE ladies reading this, I recommend you come to the shower if not for the cheese spread alone! I happen to know there will lots of other yummy food there too! The greatest being one of Becky's yummy cakes!
I am so ready for Chris to come home. I love being with Caleb, but things are way more fun when Chris is around. Plus it's kind of nice to be able to run errands every once in awhile by myself. Oh, well. Chris will be home tomorrow after church, so all will be right with the world then.
I went with my brother & Lauren this afternoon to try on my bridesmaid dress for their wedding. There is a lady who is making all of the dresses. She is extremely talented to do what she does. I don't even know how to put the thread on my sewing machine (despite all of the times of my mom showing me!) But this lady's house was ridiculously full of dresses and material. She must do a TON of business because it was all over her house! That would drive me in sane! It drives me nuts that we always have a little stack of paper on the desk that I am currently typing at. It drives me nuts when Caleb's toys are all over the floor (but most of the time not enough to do anything about it for awhile). Anyway, I don't really have any reason for saying this. I was just thinking about it, and there is no one currently awake in my house to tell it to.
Well, good night! See you all at church tomorrow (and when you all come to eat a little - or a whole lot - of this yummy cheese spread!)
I just made a cheese spread that looks soooo good! I can't wait to try it tomorrow at Amy's shower. So, RE ladies reading this, I recommend you come to the shower if not for the cheese spread alone! I happen to know there will lots of other yummy food there too! The greatest being one of Becky's yummy cakes!
I am so ready for Chris to come home. I love being with Caleb, but things are way more fun when Chris is around. Plus it's kind of nice to be able to run errands every once in awhile by myself. Oh, well. Chris will be home tomorrow after church, so all will be right with the world then.
I went with my brother & Lauren this afternoon to try on my bridesmaid dress for their wedding. There is a lady who is making all of the dresses. She is extremely talented to do what she does. I don't even know how to put the thread on my sewing machine (despite all of the times of my mom showing me!) But this lady's house was ridiculously full of dresses and material. She must do a TON of business because it was all over her house! That would drive me in sane! It drives me nuts that we always have a little stack of paper on the desk that I am currently typing at. It drives me nuts when Caleb's toys are all over the floor (but most of the time not enough to do anything about it for awhile). Anyway, I don't really have any reason for saying this. I was just thinking about it, and there is no one currently awake in my house to tell it to.
Well, good night! See you all at church tomorrow (and when you all come to eat a little - or a whole lot - of this yummy cheese spread!)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Chris is at the Men's Retreat this weekend. So, while Daddy is away...Caleb and Mommy will play!

Besides all of the playing, we had an interesting 20 minutes around Caleb's bed time tonight. At 8, it sounded like a gun shot went off behind our house. I immediately popped up and turned the house alarm on. Then as I was putting Caleb to bed (8:20), another gun shot sound. So, I got to call 911 for the first time in my life. They put me through to the Sachse PD, and I found out it was only fireworks. I guess the police had figured out what the deal was after the first loud noise. There were probably others that called after the first loud noise. So, anyway, that made for an exciting 20 minutes or so.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Another Reason Why I'm an Idiot
We had to take our directory pictures at church last night. So after we were done, I wanted to change clothes...who wants to be in a dress all night if they don't have to (Who really ever wants to be in a dress?)? So I took Caleb with me in the bathroom to change clothes.
This morning it hit me.
Idiot! I said. Why did you not go in the handicapped stall?
You see, I fought my 15 month old in a tiny, tiny stall. Trying to change clothes, keep him from touching the toilet, keeping him from crawling out of the stall. I think things would have been much easier if I would have just gone to a bigger stall.
I'll know better next time.
This morning it hit me.
Idiot! I said. Why did you not go in the handicapped stall?
You see, I fought my 15 month old in a tiny, tiny stall. Trying to change clothes, keep him from touching the toilet, keeping him from crawling out of the stall. I think things would have been much easier if I would have just gone to a bigger stall.
I'll know better next time.
Vision or Just Late Night Chicken?
Ok, you may all think I am crazy and losing it, but last night I had a dream, and this morning when I woke up I was sure that it must have been a vision from God. Maybe I dreamt it because it has been on my mind lately. Maybe, maybe, maybe... But I don't really think so. I think it was something that I needed to hear.
So, do you think I'm crazy? :)
So, do you think I'm crazy? :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Texas Accent?
I am in a workshop all week for work which has been great so far! There is a guy in the workshop from Guam. Yesterday he told me that I have a strong Texas Accent and then started mimicking me. I didn't realize that I had such a bad accent, but I guess I do. Now I'm paranoid when I talk. :)
Have you ever had anyone tell you that you had a strong Texas/Southern accent?
Have you ever had anyone tell you that you had a strong Texas/Southern accent?
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Bad thing about a busy weekend...
is that I feel like I need another day of the weekend in order to get my house, life, etc. back in order for the week. No such luck though! It's back to the grindstone! :)
Have a great week everybody!
Have a great week everybody!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
White Rock Art Tour Update
Ok, so mom and I went to the art tour this afternoon, and it is really, really neat. If you are sitting around bored tomorrow, you should check it out. We saw lots of really cool art of many different styles and now we are all pumped up to be artists ourselves!!
I've never been to the Lakewood area around White Rock, but it is so cool! It is like an art neighborhood (has the feel of homes in Austin), and they even have signs in their front yards that say "Keep Lakewood Funky." Pretty neat. I kind of wish I lived in a neighborhood that was "funky." Woodbridge frowns on "funky." No, Woodbridge would never approve of much of what I saw there today. Darn!
Anyway, we also went to Owen's Farm this morning, so I have lots of great pumpkin pictures to put on here. So, keep watch! They will appear very soon!
I've never been to the Lakewood area around White Rock, but it is so cool! It is like an art neighborhood (has the feel of homes in Austin), and they even have signs in their front yards that say "Keep Lakewood Funky." Pretty neat. I kind of wish I lived in a neighborhood that was "funky." Woodbridge frowns on "funky." No, Woodbridge would never approve of much of what I saw there today. Darn!
Anyway, we also went to Owen's Farm this morning, so I have lots of great pumpkin pictures to put on here. So, keep watch! They will appear very soon!
Friday, October 12, 2007
RSS Feeds
Ok, blog friends! Do any of you use RSS feeds to see when other "bloggers" have posted a new post? Chris and I were having a discussion over this the other night, and I thought I'd throw the question out there to see if anyone uses them (or is thinking about using them).
I think some of you must use feeds (or else you just have ESP or something to know when I post) because I get comments almost immediately after I have posted.
So, anyway, discuss on!
I think some of you must use feeds (or else you just have ESP or something to know when I post) because I get comments almost immediately after I have posted.
So, anyway, discuss on!
Free Gift Wrap
Don't you wish Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc. had free gift wrapping at the front of the store like Babies 'R Us has? That would be so great!
I have a bunch of showers to go to in the near future, so gift wrapping is on my mind!
After going to the shower, I realized BB&B had gift wrapping. There were a TON of presents wrapped from there.
I have a bunch of showers to go to in the near future, so gift wrapping is on my mind!
After going to the shower, I realized BB&B had gift wrapping. There were a TON of presents wrapped from there.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Motherly Love
I have been thinking lately how great a mother's/parent's love for a child is. Before having Caleb, I could not fathom it. But now sometimes I sit there holding him, or looking at him, or just thinking about him, and I am overwhelmed with love for him.
Sometimes I think my next kid will be shortchanged. They won't have all of the one-on-one time that we have had with Caleb, and I sure won't have all of the time to just devote to that one child. It kind of makes me sad. But I'm sure it'll be better than I think!
Aren't kids great!!
Sometimes I think my next kid will be shortchanged. They won't have all of the one-on-one time that we have had with Caleb, and I sure won't have all of the time to just devote to that one child. It kind of makes me sad. But I'm sure it'll be better than I think!
Aren't kids great!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
More Camping Pictures from this Weekend
Here are more pictures from our weekend of camping. This was Caleb's first experience in tent camping, thus it was mom & dad's first tent experience with Caleb. There is a difference! My hair was majorly crazy (you know, camping in a tent and all) all weekend, so excuse the pictures of me! We had a great time and are looking forward to much more camping fun in the future!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
My Boys
White Rock Studio Art Tour

The White Rock Studio Art Tour (click on the logo for their website) is a group of about 45 artists that open up their personal studios to the public for the weekend and let you traipse around through their backyards, studios, etc. to see their art.
My mom has been raving about this art tour for a few years, and it is this weekend! It looks like it is even free!
I have heard great things about all of the interesting artwork and really, really cool backyards that you get to see.
My mom and I are going to go either Saturday or Sunday or both this weekend.
I have been thinking for a long time that I would like to do some kind of art. I've done the music thing (majored in music in college). I have crocheted and made some pretty cool blankets. But now I am thinking I would like to paint...or make sculptures out of something weird...or....or...or. The possibilities are endless! So I can't wait to see other people's cool art so that maybe I can get an idea of what my art form will be.
A couple of years ago, Chris and I went to Taos, NM for our anniversary. While we were there, we went through all of the art studios downtown, and we saw the coolest painting ever! We both instantly loved it and thought it would be perfect for our house. Too bad it was like $1000 or we would have bought it. But ever since then, I have been thinking that I could create something kind of like that. It wouldn't be nearly as cool probably, but I would like to take a stab at it. So, we'll see! Someday I just might be in the Studio Art Tour too!
Monday, October 08, 2007
The Best Feeling in the World...or Close to it
Taking a shower after you have been camping and haven't been near running water in 2-3 days. A little piece of heaven!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Well, Maybe If You Had a Gift Basket
Okay Office fans, something just happened in the church office straight off the show last night!
Two office supply guys just walked in. We have had some bad experiences with their company, so we no longer use them. So they threw their pitch and talked about how they can help us and win back our trust in their company.
The whole time they were here, I was trying so hard not to crack up. I wanted to tell them, "Well, maybe if you had a gift basket, we'd try your company again!" I really wish I had the guts to say it, but I didn't. Maybe next time!
Two office supply guys just walked in. We have had some bad experiences with their company, so we no longer use them. So they threw their pitch and talked about how they can help us and win back our trust in their company.
The whole time they were here, I was trying so hard not to crack up. I wanted to tell them, "Well, maybe if you had a gift basket, we'd try your company again!" I really wish I had the guts to say it, but I didn't. Maybe next time!
Caleb's 2007 School Pictures
Check out Caleb's school pictures for this year. The kid won't smile when he is taking pictures for other people, and he kind of has the deer in the headlights look, so I can't wait to see what our pictorial directory picture for church is going to look like!

I am going to buy one of the pictures with me in it for Chris to have at work. Which one do you think is better?
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Bring Your Best Game to Trunk or Treat!
Oh my goodness! I just ordered a costume for a member of the Carroll family to wear to Trunk or Treat, and I am soooo excited! I have been racking my brain for a few weeks trying to figure out what the family was going to be this year, and I've finally got it! So bring your A-game, folks!! The Carrolls are going to be hard to beat again this year! :)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Caleb Update
Well, Caleb is doing somewhat better. They said he has been fussy at school today, but at least he is not throwing up anymore. Hopefully we will have a good night and that he will feel all better tomorrow. It's amazing how many people have gotten this virus. It is spreading like crazy. I guess it's that time of year.
Monday, October 01, 2007
We've Been Hit
Well it looks like my family has been hit with the yucky stomach virus that has been going around. Caleb got sick twice at school today, so Chris had to come on his day off (Fair Day) to pick him up. I sure hope it doesn't last long and that Chris and I do not get it.
Happy Bueno Day!

What a Difference Fair Day Makes
Today is Fair Day for Garland ISD, so the roads were very clear this morning. As I was crossing the second stop light, was driving 50 mph and hadn't had to stop yet I remembered, "Oh yeah! Fair Day! Oh, yeah! That is why Chris was still in bed when I left the house!"
I know I've blogged about this before, but it is amazing how much of a difference there is when school is not in session. It makes for a great drive to work!
I know I've blogged about this before, but it is amazing how much of a difference there is when school is not in session. It makes for a great drive to work!
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