For all who enjoy the great tastes of Taco Bueno, there is much celebration going on in Sachse/North Garland today! The new Bueno on 78 opens today! As I drove by this morning, there was a car in the drive thru picking up breakfast. Chris and I drove behind it the other day when we went to the store, and there are two drive thru lines. Pretty cool! I figure it is going to be pretty packed for a month or so at least, so I probably won't be visiting it until things slow down a little. Also, Chris and I are going to try to start eating better starting today, so I don't think Taco Bueno quite qualifies as healthy food. But I am excited that there is a Bueno close by now! Woo hoo!
Casey and I both love Bueno - it stems from our ACU days. But the day they built one about a quarter of a mile down the street from us spelled danger for our efforts of trying to eat healthy. Good luck!
Jake could not stop talking about the Bueno. He got a day off today and thought about running by and said it is packed. Guess we will have to wait a bit. I am just so happy to have Tacos close by!!
We have been anxiously awaiting this day! I grabbed breakfast there on the way to take Bri to the doctor and we grabbed dinner there as well!! I saw lettuce on one of the tacos so that qualifies as healthy eating :)
I just want you to know that I am SO mad at all of you!!! Sammy & I have been craving some decent Tex-Mex since moving here & this is NOT helping. I WANT BUENO!!!!!
Ahhhh...Taco Bueno has strawberry soda...yum!
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