Hearing your kid singing songs. Caleb likes to sing in the car, while playing, etc. Every time I hear him sing, my mind totally stops in mid-thought and I just listen to him sing. It is such a sweet voice! His singing definitely ranks up there in the list of "Cutest Things Ever!"
I love little kids voices when they sing...it must be so sweet for you to listen to Caleb!
Aww, that's totally adorable. I cant wait to have him in 2 year old Bible hour. :]
It makes my heart sing to know he's such a happy little boy. You are such a good mommy, Steph! Love you.
Hi! I came over to your blog from Riggins blog. I was friends with Don when we were both little children in Paducah, TX. I also knew Chris, Marcus, Jeanette and Don. I was at their house A LOT!! Anyway, just wanted to comment on your "little voices" post. I have three year old boy/girl twins and they have really started singing in the last year or so. It is definitely one of the sweetest things to hear them mispronounce or add their own words to songs like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "the Alphabet Song". Enjoyed your blog...hope to check back here again. Jody Piper
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