I've been out of band directing for three years now. I really haven't had many chances over the past three years to see the kids that I used to teach. I occasionally run into some of them, and there is one that I see weekly at Kroger, but for the most part I haven't seen these kids.
Well, I worked a band contest this past weekend that was hosted at the high school where I used to teach. It was so great seeing all of the kids all grown up looking now! Most of them were at the middle school three years ago, and some of them were just freshmen. But now they are big teenagers! It was great to see how much they have changed, and it was so nice to see how excited they were to see me. I also got to hear how well they have been doing the past three years (how some of them have made region & area band), and that made me feel good since I started them years ago!
So, overall, it was a great weekend!
I believe one of the most wonderful warm fuzzies you can receive is to run into or hear from a past student; to see those smiles and hear about what's important in their lives at the moment. The feeling is almost indescribable! I'm glad you're beginning to have those experiences, Steph.
It is a blessing to know that you have had an influence in kids lives. Who knows one of yours may be on America's Got Talent and you will say I knew them when :)
You see me all the time, silly. :P
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