Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Weekend/Saturday/Picture Time

As promised, I have attached pictures of how Chris entertained himself while all the other pictures were going on. He had me cracking up! And, no, we don't sit around doing this kind of stuff at home all the time...just every once in awhile! As soon as I saw what he was doing, I said "You realize these are going on the blog, don't you?" Enjoy!
Goofy Chris
Smiling floating head picture
Crooked picture
Silly looking down picture
Weird smile with flowers
Close up of eyes
Smiling and looking to the side
Serious Chris
Crooked lip Chris
Silly face Chris
Not sure what face this is!
"I'm about to rip off your head" Chris


Anonymous said...

Wow. Chris on display. Glad he was able to entertain himself!

Marcus said...

glad i'm not related to him. Eep.