Friday, June 27, 2008

This Morning

On our way to school everyday, Caleb and I sing songs, play games, count, say our ABC's...just have fun! I like to use this time as a big educational time. I figure that I've got him as a captive audience, so I use that time to my advantage. Many of the things he has learned so far have been things that I have taught him in the car on the way to school.

This morning, we were playing a game with a bracelet that we had left in the car from Wednesday night. I would put the bracelet on my head and ask "Does the bracelet go on my head?" Caleb would respond with "Noooo!" I then put the bracelet on my leg, on my hear, on my nose, on my chin, on my shoulder, on the steering get the picture. Then when I finally put it on my arm, he would say "Yesss!" It's a pretty fun game! :)

The funny thing was that while we were sitting at a stop light on 78, a truck full of lawn workers was next to us. I didn't realize they were there as I was playing my silly game. So after I had put the bracelet on my nose, I saw some movement in the car next to me. I looked over and the whole truck of men was laughing at me. I just smiled at them and kept playing the game. I'm glad I could give them some entertainment on their way to work! Just one silly mommy entertaining her kid on the way to school!


Anonymous said...

What a great way to "make their day"! Have a great time camping this weekend. Be sure to post lots of pictures of your trip!
Be safe and know that you are loved.

Lindsay said...

I always wonder how many people see me dancing to the Wiggles with Kimber in the mornings. I think everyone would like to have as much fun as we are having. :)

Carolyn said...

What a good mommy! We think of you so often. Can't believe how he is growing. Love you!