Tuesday, August 05, 2008

One Successful Attempt

**Warning** This post contains potty training talk. If you don't like potty training talk, you may not want to read any further! Shoot, if it wasn't my kid, I probably wouldn't much like potty training talk, so I really don't blame you.

We've been talking about the potty in our house for awhile now. Caleb has thought it was fun to go sit on the potty every once in awhile, but we haven't had much success. Yeah, there have been a few times where he has gone, but really, we probably were just really lucky then.

A few nights ago, Caleb told me that he needed to go to the potty while we were at the pool with some friends. He had sort of already gone in his diaper, but he needed to do some more business. I thought that was good that he at least told me about that.

Then tonight, he said he needed to go to the potty. So I took him in there. We sat there for quite awhile, but I didn't think he was doing anything because he just kept cracking up laughing the whole time about silly stuff he was doing. But when he said he was done and got up off the potty I was shocked! He had both gone pee and poo poo! I was so proud of him! We did the "potty dance", and we even had some ice cream because of it.

It was a successful night at the Carroll house!


Lynn Leaming said...

Way to go Caleb :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome...way to go Caleb! Steph, you are funny with the warning at the beginning!

Lindsay said...

Way to go Caleb! Tell Kimbo how fun it is. :) Actually we got really close today. She said she needed to poo poo on the potty and got on the potty and sat there a long time but alas nothing came out until I put the diaper on (of course). But it is a step in the right direction that she recognized it and knew where she needed to go. The key to it with K is patience. Maybe Caleb and Ellie can help talk her through her fears.

YEAH CALEB!! Tell mommy you need 5 M&Ms.

Marcus said...

don't tell anyone, but I make that potty dance sometimes when I have a success too...