Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cat Soup

Anyone that knows me very well knows that I am not an animal person. That's just the way it is. I think animals are pretty cute, but I just don't really want to mess with them...and I really, really don't want one at home. I know that may sound horrible to some people, but that's just the way I am. Can't change it. I had lunch with one of my best friends a few weeks ago, and we got to talking about another friend with a lot of dogs. And this good friend of mine that is an animal person made the comment that we are just different in the way we view animals...and that it is ok. I love that friend!

Anyway, I digress from the subject at hand.

On Sunday night, I made the trek outside to put lights on our bushes. I did this last year and I just love the way they look. Chris was trying to take a nap, so I decided to take Caleb outside with me. But lo and behold! There was a cat out there! And it kept wanting to come rub up against me and Caleb. And get in my way. And not go away!

I finally had to leave Caleb inside because he was freaking out about the cat (kind of like I was, I have to admit!).

The cat thought it would be really funny to lay under the bush that I was working on.
The cat thought it would be fun to play with the light strings as they were being pulled along the ground.
The cat thought that it wanted to hang around me...a person that kept telling it to go away...instead of the two other families with kids that were outside also. Go figure!

At one point, I even went back in the house and announced to Chris and Caleb that we were going to have cat soup that night for dinner if that cat didn't go away! I was really ticked!

Why is it that animals just have to hang around the people that don't really want them around? It's strange how that works, but that is normally the case.

But despite all of the harrassment from the cat, I managed to get the lights up! And they look great!


Amanda said...

That is so how cats work! And to be fair you were clearly playing with that cat by tempting him with the lights! ;-)

Stephanie said...

I know! I kept thinking "This is so encouraging this cat to stick around and play!" But hey, I needed to get it done. :)

Anonymous said...

Cat soup...hilarious! I loved this story about your cat-encounter. We have a black and white cat that hangs around in our front flower beds. But I like cats, so I don't mind. Plus he totally stays to himself.

Lynn Leaming said...

I am like you and think pets are fine for other people (although I think some people go overboard when they have so many)but I just don't want to use my monies to feed or take care of them. The SPCA says the average dog cost $1,071 dollars a year to care for. Cats is $835.00. You figure if they leave 12 years it is over $10,000. I can think of lots of other things I would rather have :)

Casey & Lauren Coats said...

this made me laugh pretty hard. your family cracks me up with all of y'all's cat hating! i hope caleb begs for a cat or dog one day! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

There is more than one way to skin a cat, but they are all fun!!!