Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I love my conversations with Caleb. He comes up with the funniest lines that make me crack up. Here are a few from the other night at bed time:

(after putting Caleb in his new Batman pajamas complete with a cool cape)
Mommy: Ok, Batman! Fly off to bed!
Caleb: Well, not in the house!!
(he's learned his indoor rules very well!)

(then when I was telling him goodnight)
Mommy: Goodnight, Batman!
Caleb: Goodnight, Batgirl!

I just had to post this because I know I'll forget this very soon, and I'll want to have a record of it someday. Too cute!


Lindsay said...

Too cute. Caleb is always thinking and learning.

Beverly said...

The boy is just TOO smart!

Christina said...

Hahaha - those are great! SO cute :).