Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Caleb Stories: Imagination

My second observation about Caleb over the course of last week was that he has a very active imagination. He can play very well on his own these days and make up games or fun things to do.

His favorite thing to do was to play with his golf clubs in the trailer. He would hit the ball and then run around to hit it again.

The interesting part about this little game was that his golf ball's name was "Wolfie". And man did Wolfie have a personality!! Wolfie would be funny sometimes and get in trouble the next. A few times, Wolfie hit me while I was either washing dishes or moving around the trailer. Caleb made the situation right, though, by telling Wolfie, "Wolfie, we don't hit Mommy! That's not nice!"

It was so great to see Caleb's mind at work!!

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