Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Can't Believe
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Our first sick day
Since this is Caleb's first big illness (he has had colds, ear infections, etc....no big deal!), I have been a little nervous. Especially since it involves a fairly high fever. I know everything is going to be ok, but it is awful watching him knowing that he is uncomfortable and not being able to do a darn thing about it. I can't wait till he can talk and at least let me know what hurts so I can do something about it. I would do anything to make him feel better, but I just dont know what is the matter at this point.
I am praying that he will feel better tomorrow and that the fever will break. Until then, I'll be one stressed out mom. :)
Where did the dot go?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
We've Mastered Rolling
It is truly amazing how fast babies learn things. Once Caleb has done something new, it is like he has totally mastered it and is ready for the next new thing. It won't be long before my baby is getting around all by himself and getting into things. I can't wait till he can crawl or walk because it will open so many new forms of entertainment to him and new ways for us to play with him. My mom says she always was excited about each new step we took as babies and kids, and I am so excited about all of the new things that Caleb is doing and all of the new things that he will learn and experience in the future. He really gets more and more fun all of the time.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Never Thought It Would Happen to Me...
The funny (or maybe not so funny) part of the story is that I was playing with him by holding him up in the air above my head. While doing this, he spit up all over my face. I could see it coming at me in slow motion but didn't have time to do anything about it. Then I just froze until someone ran over to take him from me. I probably should have had my mouth closed, but it struck me as so darn funny that I was cracking up. No, it didn't go in my mouth...that would have been gross and not so funny.
I had seen this kind of thing on tv before (America's Funniest Home Videos in the olden days) and didn't think I would think it was funny at all if that happened to me. I guess I was wrong. Though if it had gotten in my mouth, I definitely would not have thought it was funny.
Just another way that I have now been indoctrinated into parenting.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Rearranging Furniture
Since we stayed at Chris' brother's house (Hi Marcus & Amanda!!!) over Thanksgiving and saw how clean and un-cluttered their house is, we have been wanting to clean out our house and get rid of a bunch of stuff. We haven't had much time to work on it since Thanksgiving, but maybe during the Christmas holidays we can make some headway on it. I am looking forward to having things clutter-free!
Friday, December 01, 2006
This Year's Christmas Extravaganza!
Each year, I love to go to at least one cool Christmas show. In years past, we have gone to the Amy Grant Christmas concert, the Dallas Symphony's Christmas program, etc. Tonight I am going with my parents to the Radio City Hall Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes. I am very excited!
When I went to New York while I was in high school, we got to go to Radio City Hall and take a tour. It was very neat to see it all in person. At the end of the tour we got to meet a Rockette and take pictures with her. Pretty cool. So, when I saw the ads for this show months ago, I knew this was the show that I wanted to go to this year. I can't wait!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Am I just dizzy or did I find a cap in my pants???
So, anyway, I got back to work here and was sitting at my computer when I felt something in the back of my pants. I reached back to find out what it was, and it was one of the end caps to the light that they look in your ear with. It struck me as really funny that I found one of those in my pants. Pretty funny!
Monday, November 27, 2006
I can't believe it is almost Christmas!
I can't wait till Caleb gets old enough to understand Christmas so we can make crafts and decorate together. That will be so fun! We can take a night or weekend to all decorate together and have hot chocolate or apple cider and snacks while we decorate. It will be fun!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
Movie Quotes
Here are some of mine:
I always say a kiss on the hand might feel very good, but a Stephanie lasts forever.
With great power comes great Stephanie.
Stephanie, for lack of a better word, is good.
This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old Stephanie.
Houston, we have a Stephanie.
Pretty funny!
Friday, November 17, 2006
I Love Turkey
Need Some Cookies
I Love a Road Trip
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I'm Back
Ok, so things that I have been up to in the past week and a half...
I went to a workshop for work last week which was GREAT! I am so excited to get to use the things that I learned. It will take lots of practice, but it is going to be awesome in the long run!
I have thought for awhile now that I wouldn't be a very good student if I went back to school, but after going to this workshop, I was reminded of how much I really love school. I would much rather be the student and get to learn new things than be the teacher. I simply love to learn new things. There is something extremely exciting to me in learning a new idea, skill, etc.
I dont know if I ever will, but I would like to go back to school and get my masters someday. Not so much to have another degree, but just to learn new things. We'll see.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Unexpected Kindness and a New Friend
There is a boy that stands across the street from our house every morning waiting for his bus. I've never talked to him before, but he is always there.
This morning as I was walking out to my car with Caleb and all of his "baggage" I noticed that there was a trash can put out (today is trash day), but it was in a different place, so I didn't know if it was ours or the neighbors. Chris normally puts the trash out before he leaves for work on Fridays, so I didn't really think anything about it.
Well, this boy comes across the street and says that he noticed that Chris had already left for work and he didn't want me to have to put out the trash (like I do when I see that Chris has forgotten to put it out -- obviously he has seen me do this before), so he did it for me.
I was completely blown away by the kindness of this boy. It's not everyday that you see this type of random act of kindness...especially from a middle schooler.
I was immediately interested in this boy and wanted to find out more about him. His name is Franklin and I now know where he goes to school and what street he lives on. He said he has a newborn cousin named Caleb and that he has fun with him. I have a feeling this is the start of a new friendship. I never talked to him before, but I will now make a point to say hi to him in the mornings.
I have been wanting more interaction with neighbors, so it is really interesting to me that this young boy made the first step in getting to know us. It made me think on the way to work that I would like to have a street party or something to get to know our neighbors. I miss the old days when you knew everyone on your street.
This little act of kindness has made my morning. It makes me want to go out and do something nice for someone else.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Now here's the deal...when I am shopping and see someone who has a baby, is elderly, etc. I always do what I need to do to accommodate that other person. I let people in line ahead of me, I hold doors for them....anything I can do to help. So it completely shocked me when this lady was so blatently rude in cutting in front of me in line.
Sometimes things like this tick me off. I used to get really upset about it when it happened and let it really get to me...even for awhile after it happened. I am now to the point where it will tick me off for a second, but then I can get over it really fast.
I hope to be able to teach Caleb how to treat other people. It seems so rare these days for people to just be even courteous of others. I want my children to know how to treat others...not just as they would like to be treated themselves, but even better.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Halloween Pictures
I was walking through Walmart the other day and saw the cutest Santa outfit for babies. Of course I had to get one! I can't wait to put Caleb in it and take pictures! So much fun!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Pumpkin Patch Pictures
Monday, October 23, 2006
For Post's Sake
It has really been eating at me lately how busy we are all of the stinkin time! We have something almost every night of the week, every week. I keep trying to find ways to cut back, but it is so hard. When I look back, I can't even remember what we have been doing...where has all of our time gone?
My number one priority now is Caleb and spending time with him. It is frustrating at the end of the day to look back and realize that we didn't even have much time to play with him.
I am so tired of the busy life that we all lead!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Next Blog
Monday, October 16, 2006
Becky's Great Taco Soup
2 pounds ground beef, browned and drained
Then add:
(28 oz) can diced tomatoes with juice
can rotel tomatoes
2 cans ranch style beans,
undrainedcan kernal corn (drained)
packet hidden valley ranch dresing mix
packet taco seasoning mix
1 cup water
16 oz. velveeta
Simmer about 30 minutes. Serve with fritos and sour cream.
You Know that Cute Froggy Footy Outfit...
Car Trouble and a Ride with Daddy
Since my car wasn't working, Chris had to come back home to pick me and Caleb up to take us to church. Even in the midst of being frustrated about my car, it was so nice to have Chris taking us to church.
I love family. I love the feeling that there is someone who is there that cares about you and wants to help you. I love being that person for my other family members. It makes me feel so comforted knowing that I can call my husband or my other family members about anything and that they will jump at the chance to help. This afternoon my dad is picking Caleb and me up from church and is coming over to look at my car.
What would I do without family?
I would go crazy!
Friday, October 13, 2006
My Little Froggy

Caleb has this really cute footy outfit that looks like a frog that he slept in Thursday night. He had been really fussy all evening, and then when it was time to go to bed, he decided he would act adorable, so Chris and I had a few minutes of fun playing with our froggy before he went to bed. Enjoy!
Too Early for This
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Caleb at the Fair

Ok, finally!! Here are the pictures of Caleb at the fair. Not great pictures. Oh well. I can't wait to take even cooler pictures next year with my new camera and when he is old enough to sit up and we can take silly fair pictures.
Interesting fact...over the past few days when I have typed the word fair, I have spelled it fiar every time. How weird is that? I guess my fingers have a mind of their own.
Pictures of Fair
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Clustr Maps
New Camera
This is a picture of our new camera that we got last night. (Lindsay, is it like yours? It has the dial on the top that looks like yours, so I thought it might be the same one.) I am so glad to have a digital camera again! With Caleb growing up so fast, it's been crummy having to deal with a film camera and missing some shots. But now I have a new camera and I can go picture crazy again of my little boy! Hopefully this one will last us longer that a year and a half like my last one did. I'm going to take much better care of it this time though. I've learned my lesson about just throwing it in my purse all of the time.
I still haven't gotten my film camera pictures developed, so as soon as I do, I will post the fair pictures of Caleb on here.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Fair Update
When I get my pictures developed (I feel so retro saying that I am going to get film developed...my digital camera is broken right now) , I will scan one and post it on here. We got a picture of Caleb with Big Tex, so hopefully it turned out good. I was going to take fun baby pictures all over the fair, but my retro film camera's battery went out. Bummer.
Peace out! (Dedicated to Chris!)
Monday, October 09, 2006
Goin' to the Fair
Friday, October 06, 2006
What is the deal?
Caleb has slept great...sometimes sleeping from 8:30 p.m. to 6 a.m., but this week things have changed. All of a sudden he is waking up multiple times during the night which he never used to do. A book I have says to wean babies from the pacifier by 4 months, but right now that is the only thing that will get him back to sleep at night. I worry that this is going to be a problem and that he is going to keep this up for awhile.
Any suggestions from the moms out there?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Songs I Sing to Caleb
- ABC's
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Jesus Loves Me
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart
- The B-I-B-L-E
- Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Halleluiah; Praise Ye The Lord!
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest Name I know
- I Love you Lord
- Seek Ye First
- Majesty
- I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
- Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords, Lord of all the Earth; Singing Halleluiah, Halleluiah
- Do You Know the Muffin Man
- London Bridge
- Yankee Doodle
That is a pretty good list of what we sing. I know there are at least a few more that we sing as well as songs I have made up about Caleb. I also like to count for him and do math problems. He is going to be such a dork! :) Just look at his mom and dad...he doesn't stand a chance of being cool! hehe
Songs from Childhood
What songs do you remember singing as a child? Church songs? Traditional songs?
Thanks for your help!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
That Darn Blogger!
I have a book here on html code that I have pretty much read, so that has been helpful, but it is still like finding a needle in a haystack to try to find the certain line/word, etc. that you want to change.
But am I going to give up? No Way Jose! I am going to master this thing someday. Just one step at a time.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
It Breaks My Heart...
Friday, September 29, 2006
That Drives Me Nuts!
When I am walking and someone is coming towards me, I always smile or say hi to acknowledge the person. What drives me nuts is when the person coming toward me acts like they don't see you and does not acknowledge you at all. Now, I understand if you are busy with something or talking or if there is a crowd around, but when there is just me and the other person in the hall it feels so uncomfortable to smile at the person or say hi and not even be acknowledged at all.
I guess people may be deep in thought and just may not realize what is happening, but it seems like common courtesy to acknowledge the other person coming toward you. It always makes me feel like I am invisible when things like this happen.
Does this bother anyone else, or is it just me? :)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Yesterday was a normal day until...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Friday, September 22, 2006
I've Seen it All
What strange things have you seen people do in their car?
Here I am world!
We finally have a weekend where not much is going on. We are going to go to the Marriage Seminar at church on Sat., but besides that, we do not have much. I feel some much needed naps coming on!
Caleb slept 8 hours last night and probably would have slept longer, but I had to wake him up to eat. Woo hoo! I am so lucky to have a baby that sleeps great!
Well, this is a boring first post, but I'll add something later if anything more exciting comes up.