Monday, October 23, 2006

For Post's Sake

Wow! I haven't posted on here since Wednesday! I have been so busy lately.

It has really been eating at me lately how busy we are all of the stinkin time! We have something almost every night of the week, every week. I keep trying to find ways to cut back, but it is so hard. When I look back, I can't even remember what we have been doing...where has all of our time gone?

My number one priority now is Caleb and spending time with him. It is frustrating at the end of the day to look back and realize that we didn't even have much time to play with him.

I am so tired of the busy life that we all lead!


Unknown said...

This is a busy time of year- it all goes in cycles. Sometimes I feel like we're going non-stop and other times I feel like a total recluse! Hope you get some down time soon.

Lindsay said...

I know the feeling. Soccer season hopefully will not feel as busy as football!!! November can't get here quickly enough! I miss you Steph!

Anonymous said...

I have felt like that sometimes! Just yesterday I had to make a list of all the things I had to take care of and then I told myself to take it one at a time. I hope you get a break to spend time with Chris and Caleb soon!