Friday, October 06, 2006

What is the deal?

I have had a cold or have felt bad for over a month now. I am really looking forward to the day that I do not have to get up with Caleb for a feeding in the middle of the night anymore. It is completely wearing me out. I used to never be sick at all, but now that I am so stinkin' tired all of the time, I just can't stay well.

Caleb has slept great...sometimes sleeping from 8:30 p.m. to 6 a.m., but this week things have changed. All of a sudden he is waking up multiple times during the night which he never used to do. A book I have says to wean babies from the pacifier by 4 months, but right now that is the only thing that will get him back to sleep at night. I worry that this is going to be a problem and that he is going to keep this up for awhile.

Any suggestions from the moms out there?


Unknown said...

He's probably hit a growth spurt which is usually around 3-4 months. There are lots of them during the first year. It's normal for him to suddenly start waking up and wanting to nurse more often. I wouldn't worry too much- these things tend to work themselves out in a week or two and then it will be a whole new problem of some sort. The thing about babies is that they are constantly changing, so just when you find a nice schedule that works, things go out the window. I learned that the hard way with Ava and then I knew not to stress so bad with Nate. The good part about change is that the bad times don't stick around for too long either!

About weaning the paci- I wouldn't bother too hard to have him weaned by 4 months. Babies need comfort sucking older than that. I would think up to a year at least. You can always take that paci away at some later point and it would be just as hard on him then as it would be now- so why do it so early. I think most kids use their paci until age 1 or 2. He may even lose interest on his own after a few more months. You never know.

You need sleep- and if his paci gets him to sleep, then Whatever Works!

Lindsay said...

One thing I learned, books are good for reference but you can't really live by them in everyday life. You need to do what is best for you and Caleb. I agree with Becky - it will never be an easy transition to move from the paci so why do it when he does not know any other way to comfort himself. Yes, schedules change. Kimber is on a schedule of waking up at 3 or 4 or 5 every night. She used to sleep 12 hours straight. Schedules just come and go during babyhood I am finding out. Love you guys!

Lindsay said...

Another thing that can wake babies up in the night - what we are currently experiencing- is teething. Kimber has gotten her first teething fever this weekend. Normally she just gets congestion. This time the fever has replaced the congestion she normally gets. Not sure when I will get a full nights sleep again. I guess if I went down at 7:30 with her I would feel well rested. :) Too bad that does not work out. :)

Amberly said...

Stephanie, I was going to suggest that he has probably hit a growth spurt also. That sounds pretty typical.

And, as for the pacifier, I agree with Becky... whatever works! Sydney was pretty attached to her pacifier, so we decided to end that relationship at 10 months. (My mom warned me how hard it would be once she got older. She experienced this with my oldest sister.) I took it away cold turkey & we had about 3 rough nights. The first night was obviously harder, then it just got a tad bit easier. After the 3rd night, she went right to sleep by herself & learned to soothe herself. So, I think you have plenty of time to break the pacifier habit, but I also think it's wise to do it before they can start talking to you!! :)