Tuesday, August 14, 2007

High School Stalking

I received in the mail yesterday a letter requesting more information about myself for an alumni directory for Mesquite I.S.D., where I went to school growing up. My question is: How did they find me? (Not that I want to be not found or anything.) My 10 year high school reunion will be next year, and I have always wondered how they find everyone to send the invitations, etc. Do they somehow look up your social security number to find your address? This has always been a mystery to me. If someone knows how they do this, please inform me. Curious minds want to know...or at least this one does.


Anonymous said...

Have they been in contact with Beverly or Mitch? ...sometimes alumni coordinators check with parents if the address and phone have been static thru the years. In today's world, it is a little disconcerting for someone to locate you when your name has changed. They found Ron for his 40th thru his aunt who still lives in Vernon.

Lindsay said...

It could be through the parents but it is also by word of mouth. When I had my 10 year reunion, the coordinator got a hold of everyone she could find then we let her know of others that we knew the location of. It is basically like networking - someone you graduated with knows where you are most likely.

Anonymous said...

Part of my job is keeping up with HPHS alumni. It is a constant job for us! We send out a couple of mailings a year, so the post office helps us with some address changes. We also have representatives from each graduating class that give us updates. The reps are really busy trying to find lost people around reunion times. We try to keep old high school directories of each year. It is amazing how many parents have the same address and/or the same phone number 10 or 20 years later. The best source of info is a bit depressing....obituaries!

Carol Smith